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Showing posts from January, 2019

Aghavea Church Renovations

It’s been a while coming, but we’re finally at the point of beginning our work at the gchurch building.  On 28th January 2019, the contractors moved in to the building to start taking it apart to renovate it.  At first it will seem that all we’re doing is making matters worse - but we’ll need to keep the faith (if you’ll pardon the pun)! As businesses would say in a situation like this, it’s still “Business as Usual”  The building may be closed for the best part of a year, but the ‘church’ is still there - we’ll simply be meeting in the Parish Hall on Sunday mornings at 11am.  We had our first in this series of meetings yesterday, and the atmosphere and worship was just as excellent as ever.  Please feel free to come along and join us as we continue to worship God. We will use this period as an opportunity to renew our faith, our worship, our church culture, our very reason to be God’s people in this Parish.  It is our desire to continue to welcome all visitors, and treat all our g