O God, you have chosen men and
women to serve you in the ministry of your Church and have given them a perfect
example in the person of your Son Jesus Christ.
We ask your blessing on all bishops, priests and deacons (especially…). Let them never forget the privilege of their
calling, nor shirk its responsibilities.
Keep them in your love, that they may be good shepherds of your people
and true servants of him who is our great High Priest, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Blessing and honour, and
thanksgiving and praise, more than we can utter,
more than we can conceive, be
unto thee, O holy and glorious Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, by all
angels, all men, all creatures, for ever and ever.
Almighty God, who
in days of old called your servant Abraham to go into an unknown land and
promised him that through his family all nations of the earth would find a
blessing: we thank you for Jesus the Messiah, in whom this promise came true.
We pray for the Jewish people, Abraham's descendants, who do not know our
Saviour. Help all who try to tell them of him, and soon bring them home to your
flock under the care of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, be pleased to accept these gifts of thy children for
the service of this House of Prayer; for all things come of thee and of thine
own do we give thee. Grant that what neither art nor costliness can make worthy
for thy service may be hallowed by thy blessing; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For a blessing
on local industries
O Almighty Father, who through
thy Son Jesus Christ hast consecrated labour to the blessing of mankind:
Prosper, we pray thee, the industries of this place; defend those who are
engaged therein from all perils, and grant that they may rejoice in the fruits
of thy bounty, and bless thee for thy
loving-kindness; through the
same Jesus Christ our Lord.
A parish mission
O God, our heavenly Father, we
humbly pray thee to bless abundantly the
efforts that are now being
made (or, about to be made) to turn the people of this parish to thyself in
sincere repentance and living faith. Prepare all
hearts to receive the seed of
thy Word, and grant that it may take deep root
and bring forth fruit to thy
glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty God, whose mercy is
over all thy works: We praise thee for the
blessings which have been
brought to mankind by thy holy Church throughout all the world. We bless thee
for the grace of the sacraments; for our fellowship in Christ with thee and
with one another; for the teaching of the Scriptures and for the preaching of
thy Word. We thank thee for the holy example of thy saints in all ages; for thy
servants departed this life in
thy faith and fear, and for
the memory and example of all that has been true and good in their lives. And
we humbly beseech thee that we may be numbered with them in the great company
of the redeemed in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Grace at a parish lunch
Lord Jesus, we remember how
you brought blessing to many meal times when on earth: sharing a wedding feast,
feeding the five thousand, having breakfast by the seaside. Bless our
food and fellowship today. May this be a time when we experience your risen
presence, and get to know some people better, and others for the first time;
for your name's sake.
Schools and
God of love, inspire by your
Spirit all those involved in the work of our
schools. Bless pupils and
parents, teachers and governors, caretakers and cleaners, secretaries and
supervisors, committee members and administrators. Grant that, working together
for the common good, they may make their schools places where real learning may
take place and where all may discover the true meaning of life; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
An act of thanksgiving
Father, we thank you for the
gift of Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life; for the love which
moved him to endure the cross for us and for all mankind; for the victory of
his resurrection and the glory of his ascension; for the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit and the witness of the Church through many centuries; for the
encouragement of our growing awareness that we are all one in Christ
Jesus; for the blessings received in belonging to each other in the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit; for the privilege of being called to
discipleship of Jesus Christ, to bear witness to his eternal presence and his
saving power. For all these joyful
gifts, thanks be to you, O God.
O Heavenly Father, we humbly
thank thee for all thy blessings to us,
unworthy though we be. We
thank thee for all things that have enriched our lives, for all people who have
blessed us with their love and friendship. We thank thee for Christian
marriage, for our homes and families and friends.
Give us, O Lord, this further
blessing, that as we have freely received, so
we may freely give. Confirm
and strengthen our marriages, that our homes may be to us, and to friend and
stranger, places of joy and gladness. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Grant thy grace, O God our
Father, to those who are training for the
ministry of thy holy Church.
Prepare them for all that thou hast prepared
for them; make them what thou
wouldest have them to be, that they may
accomplish what thou wouldest
have them to do; and so bless them that they may be made a blessing; for the
sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
O Lord and heavenly Father, as
on this day we bring our offerings to thee,
we are mindful above all
things of the manifold blessings which thou hast
bestowed upon us, unworthy as
we are of the least of them. Thanks be to
thee, O God, for every gift of
thine, and most of all for the gift beyond
words, thy Son Jesus Christ
our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Spirit be glory now and for evermore.
A parish mission
O Heavenly Father, prosper
with thy blessing, we pray thee, the mission to be held in this parish, and use
it for the winning of many souls to Christ
and his Church. Prepare the
hearts of all to hear thy Word; give thy grace
to the missioner and to those
who work with him; and show us each one what thou wouldest have us to do; for
the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Concluding prayer
Lord, it has been good for us
to be here, for thou hast been here with us.
We thank thee for thy
presence, and for the fellowship we have enjoyed one with another in this act
of intercession. And now, O Lord, we ask thee to accept our petitions, to
answer them as seems best in thy sight, and to
bless all those for whom we
have prayed. So send us now upon our way
refreshed in spirit, and with
thy peace in our hearts; and to thy name be
praise and honour both now and
for evermore.
May the love of God enfold
you; may the mercy of God absolve you; may the strength of God support you; may
the peace of God console you; and may the blessing of God Almighty, Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you now and evermore.
Doctors and nurses
We thank you, our Father, for
those whose lives are dedicated to the healing of the sick and to the relief of
suffering; and we ask your blessing upon their work in our hospitals, nursing
homes and clinics. We pray also for those engaged in medical research, that
cures may be found for those diseases and disorders at present beyond man's
skill and aid. Of your mercy hear us, O God, as we pray in the name of Jesus
our Lord.
Almighty Father, whose mercy
is everlasting, accept and sanctify the love of N. and N. as here, in your
presence, they pledge their troth one to the other and kneel before you in
penitence and gratitude, in trust and hope.
Keep them faithful to the vows
they have made; deepen their love and strengthen their faith; and may your
blessing rest upon them, the blessing of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now
and for evermore.
Heavenly Father, whose Son
Jesus Christ, born of a woman, sanctified childhood and shared the life of an
earthly home: bless the homes and families of our nation. Give to parents a
true sense of responsibility in the care and training of their children; that
our boys and girls may grow up in the fear of your name and the fellowship of
your Church, for the glory of Christ our Lord.
Our children
God our Father, we ask your
blessing on all children dear to us and those for whom we have responsibility.
Grant that they may grow up healthy and strong, wise and good, in the knowledge
of your love and in the service of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our friends
Father, as we now remember our
friends before you and ask your blessing upon them, we thank you for all that
they give to us in affection and companionship, in counsel and spiritual
support. Help us on our part to give to them as generously and unselfishly in
return, and always to count our friends as among the richest blessings of this
life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Confirmation candidates
God of all grace and power, we
ask your blessing on those who are receiving instruction and preparing for
confirmation. May your Holy Spirit so work in their hearts and minds that they
may fully commit themselves to Jesus Christ and acknowledge him as Lord; and
that they may continue
steadfast in the faith and fellowship of the Church
until their lives end.
Adoration and thanksgiving
Glory be to God for the wonder
of his love made known to us in the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Glory be
to God for the gift of his Son, who took our flesh of the Virgin Mary his
mother and shared our human life.
Glory be to God for the great
salvation he has sent to us and to all mankind, bringing joy to the world. For these manifold blessings and for all the
wonder of Christmas, glory be to God for ever and ever.
Heavenly Father, as you have
taught us to pray for our daily bread and to
recognise our dependence on
your bounty, so we ask your blessing on the
sowing of the seed and the
labours of those who work on the land; that the
earth may yield its full
harvest and the needs of all men may be supplied;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Heavenly Father, we bring to
you in our prayers all whom we love in our family circle, knowing that your
love for them is so much greater than ours, and that your will for them is all
that is for their good. So have them in
your keeping, O Lord, and give them now and always the fullness of your
blessing; for Jesus Christ's sake.
Lord Christ, who by your cross
and passion reconciled the world to God
and broke down the barriers of
race and colour which divide men and nations: make us and all your people
instruments of reconciliation in the life of our world, that we may inherit the
blessing which you promised to the peacemakers.
God of love, make us more
thankful for all the boundless mercies of our daily life. Forgive us that we
are so often ungrateful, complaining and discontented, taking for granted your greatest
gifts: the blessings of health,
the comforts of home and
family life, the joys of friendship, and the beauty of the world around
us. Teach us day by day to number our
blessings and to receive each of them as from our Father's hand; and fill our lives
with gratitude, our lips with praise; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prosper with your blessing, O
Lord, the work to which you have called w in this parish and strengthen the
hands of all who serve you. Make our worship more worthy, our witness more
effective, our lives more holy; and inspire us all with fresh zeal in the
furtherance of your kingdom;
for the honour of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, giver of all
good gifts, hear us as we seek the blessing of
the Holy Spirit on what we say
and do in this meeting. We acknowledge our shortcomings and limitations, our
ignorance, our pride, our lack of faith.
Forgive us, O Lord; cleanse us, illuminate us, direct us, use us; and
grant that nothing in our lives may hinder your work, but that in all things we
may set forward the cause of Christ and his kingdom, for the glory of his name.
Women's fellowship
Jesus, Word of the Father,
born of a woman, who in your days here on earth companied with Mary and Martha
in their home at Bethany: we ask your blessing on the homes from which we have
come today and to which we shall be returning; and as we now meet together in
this hour of fellowship we pray that we may know your presence with us and find
strength and refreshment to serve you better in our daily life. We ask it for
your love's sake.
Before hymn-singing
Almighty God, our heavenly
Father, you have taught us to offer our praise in psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, to sing and make melody to you with all our hearts: bless to
our use the hymns to be sung in this church, that they may bring enrichment to
our worship, joy and strength to our lives, and ever greater glory to your
name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Heavenly Father, giver of all
good things, may your blessing rest upon the
home which your servants will
build together. Sanctify it with your
presence, and make it to
abound in peace and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A general intercession
Almighty God, whose mercies
are without number and without end, remember for good your Church: all who in
every place call on the name of the Lord, both theirs and ours; and let your
kingdom come in all the world. Look graciously upon our country, upon this
place and neighbourhood in which we live; and give wisdom to those who exercise
authority among us in Church and State, in education and industry, that we may
be led in the ways of justice, truth, and freedom. Let your blessing rest upon our families and
those we love. Watch over the young; support the aged; relieve those in pain or
sickness; comfort the sorrowful; succour the dying; and let your peace rest
upon us all; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A general prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, who taught
your apostles to bless each home they entered with the words, "Peace be to
this house": we ask your blessing on the home of these your servants. Let
your peace rest upon them, O Lord; keep them abiding in your love; and be with
them in their going out and in their coming in, from this time forth for
The dining room
Here, Lord Christ, we remember
how you ate meals in the homes of your
friends, and how on the night
before your passion you met with the twelve
for a last supper: may meal
times in this home be hallowed by your blessing, and may food always be
partaken with thankful hearts, to the glory of God the Father.
Visit, we beseech thee, O
Lord, our homes, and drive from them all the
snares of the evil one; let
thy holy angels dwell in them to preserve all
who live there in peace; and
may thy blessing be upon us evermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A new housing estate
O Lord Christ, who entered the
homes of all who were willing to receive you, and so brought the kingdom of God
near to them: send your blessing on us who seek to share the gospel with
families on the new housing estate(s) in this area. Guide us to the sons of peace who will
receive your word and your salvation, and grant that from their homes the light
of your love may shine out to friends and neighbours. We ask this for your
name's sake.
Women of the Church
Almighty God, who in the
fullness of time sent forth your Son, born of a woman: pour out your grace and
heavenly blessing on all women of the church. Grant that as Jesus numbered
women among his followers and received their ministry in his life and at his
death, so the women of our day may serve as the handmaids of the Lord, adorned
with the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, to tell out the greatness of the Lord
to this and to all generations; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Marriage Guidance counsellors
O God our Father, whose Son
our Lord blessed the marriage at Cana in Galilee by his presence and the first
of his miracles; hear our prayer for all who seek to counsel those whose
marriages are at risk. Give them sympathy, understanding, and insight into the
needs of others; and so use them in this service that by your grace hurts may
be healed, faults forgiven, and misunderstandings removed. We ask this prayer
in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Almighty and most merciful
Father, who hast ordained the holy estate of
matrimony to guard, to hallow,
and to perfect the sacred gift of love: Look
mercifully upon these thy
servants whom we now commend to thy protection and care. Forgive them all their
sins; keep them ever in thy peace; and grant them grace so to live together in
true and enduring affection that the blessing which they have sought this day
upon their union may never be withheld; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty Lord and everlasting
God, dismiss us now with thy blessing; and help us to glorify thee henceforth
in all the thoughts of our hearts, in all the words of our lips, and in all the
works of our hands, as becomes those whom thou hast redeemed in Jesus Christ
our Lord.
This is the hour of prayer.
Draw near to us, O Lord, in the fullness of thy
blessing as we wait upon thee.
May we know that thou art in our midst,
according to thy word. As thou
hast given a place for prayer, so also give
us hearts to pray; and grant
that in the fellowship of intercession we may
be drawn nearer to thee and to
those for whom we pray; for thy honour and glory.
For life's simple
We thank you, our Father, for
all the good gifts around us which add so much joy to our daily lives: for the
sun that warms us and the air that gives us life; for the loveliness of the
natural world; for the changing seasons, each in its order beautiful; for our
homes and families and friends; for health of body and soundness of mind; for
music and books and works of art; for the land of our birth, the land we love;
for the lives and examples of good and saintly souls. Father, for these
manifold blessings and for all your love we give you heartfelt thanks, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord and heavenly Father, we
thank you for our homes and families.
Make us aware of your loving
care of us day by day. Make us thankful for all the blessings we receive which
we take for granted. And make us mindful of those who are lonely and less
fortunate than ourselves; for the sake of Christ our Lord.
The Church in a particular
Eternal God and Father, lover
of all men and giver of all grace, bless the
people of... and guide them
along the paths of your will. To your Church in that land give faithfulness, to
her leaders wisdom and courage, to all her members patience and love; that they
may boldly confess the faith of Christ crucified and be united in a fellowship
of love and service; for the glory of your name.
Parish and people
God our Father, graciously
hallow with your blessing this our parish church. May it be a place where the
sorrowing find comfort and the tempted strength; where the lonely find
fellowship and the sinner forgiveness; where the faithful find grace, and all
offer you a holy worship; in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ministers of the Church
We thank you, O God, for those
whom you have called through the centuries to serve in the ministry of the
Church. Pour your blessing on those whom you have called today [and especially
on your servant(s) whom we now remember]; that by word and deed they may bear
witness to your saving love and power, and enable your people to grow up into
him who is the Head, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be
praise and honour for ever.
This day help us to praise
you, O God, for your goodness and loving-kindness, and all the blessings of
this life. This day help us to trust
you, O God, in every circumstance of life, with hearts that are steadfast and
strong. This day help us to serve you, O God, with love and faithfulness, with all our powers of body, mind and spirit.
This day help us to glorify you, O God, in all our thoughts and words and actions,
from the beginning to the end; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
At this evening hour, O Lord
our God, we remember with thankful hearts your care and protection and all the
blessings we have received in the day that is past. In your mercy forgive us
any wrong we have done, any evil thoughts we have harboured, any unkind words
we have spoken. Have in your safe
keeping this night those we love; comfort and relieve the sick, the suffering,
and the sorrowful; and give us all the benediction of your peace; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
O God, from whom all good
things do come, make us unfeignedly thankful for all the blessings of this
life; and give us both the wisdom and the will to make your bounty available to
all who live on our earth, that all may rejoice in your mercy; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Let us give praise to the
Father who by his grace has made us his children;
to the Son who by his death
and resurrection has brought us new life; to the Spirit who dwells in our
hearts and strengthens us for service. To the holy and blessed Trinity be
praise and glory for ever and ever.
Those in authority
God and Father of us all,
graciously bless this our nation, and send out
your light and your truth to
lead us in the paths of justice and peace.
Give wisdom to those who
exercise authority in the government of our land; remove all causes of
contention and strife among us; unite us in the service of your kingdom; and
make us a God-fearing people, regarding your laws and living together in
brotherly love and concord; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Royal family
Almighty God, Father of all
mercies and giver of all grace, we ask your
blessing on the members of the
Royal family as they fulfil their service
among us; that both by their
word and example our nation and commonwealth may be strengthened in the love of
righteousness and freedom, and preserved in unity and peace; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
God of all grace, we ask your
blessing on the work of doctors, nurses and
those who tend the sick,
especially in the hospitals of this town (or city,
neighbourhood]. Strengthen
them for their tasks, and give them the joy of knowing that they are
instruments in fulfilling your own purpose of healing, in Jesus Christ our
We give thanks, O God our
Father, for the many blessings of this life:
for health and strength and
all our powers of body and mind; for our homes and loved ones and for the
wonderful joy of friendship; for our work and the opportunity of service; for
the beauty and bounty of the world of nature; for the kindness, generosity and
sympathy shown to us by so many along life's journey. Give us thankful hearts,
O God, for all your goodness, and help us by the way we live to repay some of
the debt we owe; for the sake of him who came not to be served but to serve,
your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
After a meeting
We thank you, O God, for your
presence among us in this meeting, guiding our thoughts and strengthening our
fellowship one with another in your service. Whatever we have now agreed to do,
in accordance with your will, give us the grace and power to fulfil to the
glory of your name; and may your blessing continually rest upon us in all our
work together; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A youth group
Jesus, Lord and Saviour, we
ask your blessing upon those who are joined
together in the youth group of
this parish. Help them so to think and
pray and work together that they may become one in purpose to seek your will
for their lives and to worship and serve you loyally in the fellowship of your
Church. We ask it in your name, Christ our Lord.
Young people
Lord of all grace and power,
we ask you to send your blessing on the young people of our church. May they
enjoy to the full the good things you have prepared for them and learn to use
them rightly and unselfishly, thinking of others as well as of themselves. Guide their lives according to your will, and
strengthen them for the work to which you are calling them.
We ask it in the name of our
Saviour Jesus Christ.
O Lord our God, giver of all
good things, we ask your blessing upon these
your servants whose lives are
shortly to be joined in marriage. May they
dwell together in love and
peace all the days of their life, seeking one
another's welfare, bearing one
another's burdens, and sharing one another's
joys; through Jesus Christ our
Forgive me, Lord, for a mind
that turns so readily to weigh my troubles, so seldom to count my
blessings. Teach me the practice of
recollection, the habit of thankfulness, the art of praise. And may I deal as
generously with others as you deal with me; for Jesus Christ's sake.
Absent friends
Lord Christ, our unseen yet
eternal friend and the guardian of our love, we
pray for our friends and loved
ones now parted from us. Bless them with the fullness of your grace and power;
and keep us, O Lord, so near to yourself that we may evermore be near to each
other. If it is your will, give us the renewal of our fellowship on earth; and
grant us at last our perfect union in the friendship of the Father's house.
Almighty God,
grant, we beseech thee, to all whom thou hast called to the
sacred ministry of thy Church
such a sense of their high calling that they
may count no sacrifice too
great to make in thy service; that so, bringing a
blessing to their people, they
may themselves be blessed of thee; for Jesus
Christ's sake.
O God, who, calling Abraham to
go forth to a country which thou wouldest show him, didst promise that in him
all the families of the earth would be blessed: Fulfil thy promise in us, we
pray thee, giving us such faith in thee as thou shalt count unto us for
righteousness; that in us and through us thy purpose may be fulfilled; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
At the publication of banns
Send your blessing, heavenly
Father, upon these your servants; that making Christ the sure foundation of
their earthly home, they may live together in holy love until their lives' end,
and after this life dwell with you for ever in heaven; through Jesus Christ our
Saturday evening
Almighty and everliving God,
before whose presence the angels bow in
ceaseless adoration, receive
our prayers for the worship to be offered in
this church tomorrow. Give your grace to all who shall speak or
read or sing or serve, all who shall kneel at your altar, and all who come to
listen and to pray; and grant your blessing to the other parishes in this
deanery and diocese, that with one heart and mind we may offer the sacrifice of
our praise and thanksgiving, to the glory of your name; through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
The fruits of the earth
Almighty God, by whose blessing
the earth brings forth abundantly all that is needful for the life of man:
prosper the work of farmers and those
engaged in agriculture; that
with thankful hearts they may reap the fruit of
their labour, and we and all
mankind may rejoice in your great goodness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord
The blessing of the Lord rest
and remain upon all his people, in every land, of every tongue; the Lord meet
in mercy all who seek him; the Lord comfort all who suffer and mourn; the Lord
hasten his coming, and give us his people peace by all means, now and for ever.
Almighty God, we pray for your
blessing on all who share in the life and
work of this church: in the
ministry of word and sacrament, in teaching and pastoral care, in service to
the diocese, the community, and those in need, in ecumenical fellowship and
co-operation. We pray for all members of the congregation, that in their varied
callings they may advance your kingdom and bear witness to your love, shown in
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Word of God and Light of men,
we ask you to bless all those of other faiths with whom we share our lives and
who serve the needs of our community.
Help us to discern in them the Light that lightens every man, and to
love them with a love like yours; that as we join with them in service to
others we may be drawn closer to you, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Bible translators
Almighty God, who dost reveal
thyself to us through the written Word: We thank thee for all who have worked
so that we may know that Word in our own tongue. We pray thee to inspire with
thy Holy Spirit all who are now translating the Scriptures into other
languages, that by thy blessing upon their work the Word of the Lord may have
free course and be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Commissioning of missioners
God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve and keep you. The love of God the Father
encompass you. The presence of God the Son uphold you. The power of God the
Spirit rest upon you. Go forth in the name of God, as ambassadors of Christ and
servants of his holy Church. And may the Lord bless your labours abundantly,
for the glory of the same our Saviour Jesus Christ.
May the blessing of God
Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, rest upon us and upon all
our work and worship done in his name. May he give us light to guide us,
courage to support us, and love to unite us, now and for evermore.
Parish visitors
O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst
bless thy home at Nazareth with love and
understanding and with the
labour of thy hands: Let thy blessing, we beseech thee, rest upon all the homes
in this parish; open their doors to those who come in thy name, and make all
who live in them swift to hear and ready to answer thy call. We ask it in thy
name, to whom be glory for ever and ever.
Bless, O Lord, we pray thee,
these branches of palm; and grant that as thy
people outwardly in their
bodies do worship thee, so inwardly in their souls they may serve thee with
pure devotion, that they may be victorious over the assaults of the enemy, and
cleave steadfastly to all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Bless, O Lord, we pray thee,
these branches of palm to those who receive
them; that both now and in the
days to come they may be a memorial of thy passion, and a pledge of thy victory
over sin and death; for the glory of thy great name.
Bless us, O God the Father,
who hast created us. Bless us, O God the Son, who hast redeemed Bless us, O God
the Holy Spirit, who sanctifieth us.
O Blessed Trinity, keep us in
body, soul, and spirit unto everlasting life.
Go in peace; and may the
blessing of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit rest upon you and
remain with you, this day (night) and for evermore.
May God sustain
you in all your works and in all your ways;
make you humble, just, and
true; strengthen you in holiness and
righteousness; and fill your
home with love and peace. And may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit,
rest upon you and remain with
you always.
Heavenly Father, as we look
back on our married life we want to confess our failings and mistakes, but most
of all to praise and glorify you for all the blessings we have received. We
thank you for giving us to each other to have and to hold, for better,
for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and now we
rededicate ourselves and renew our vows to love, comfort, and honour one
another, till death us do part; in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Mothers' Union Prayer
Almighty God, our heavenly
Father, who gave marriage to be a source of
blessing to mankind, we thank
you for the joys of family life. Pour upon us your Holy Spirit, that we may
truly love and serve you. Bless all who are married and every parent and child.
May we know your presence and peace in our homes; fill them with your love and
use them for your grace we may seek to do your will; through Jesus Christ our
Our homes and families
Lord Jesus Christ, who by your
coming to us in great humility sanctified the life of the home: we commend to
you our homes and the members of our families, near and far. Unite us in your
love, and guard us by your power from all danger and evil. Make us thankful for
all the blessings of family life; and keep us mindful of those for whom home
has no meaning; for your mercy's sake.
Most merciful
Father, we bring to you the spiritual needs of our country.
Revive your work among us, and
inspire your Church to greater faithfulness and renewed zeal in your
service. May your continued blessing
rest on all efforts to make known the good news of your Son Jesus Christ, that
many may be turned to you in repentance and faith and may know the joy of your
salvation. Grant this, O God, for your glory and for Christ's sake.
Heavenly Father, whose mercy
is everlasting, accept our thanksgiving for all the blessing of the year that
is past; take our lives afresh into your keeping as we face the unknown future;
and fit us by your grace for whatever lies before us in the days to come; for
the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
May our Lord Jesus Christ be
near us to defend us, within us to refresh us,
around us to preserve us,
before us to guide us, above us to bless us; who lives and reigns with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, God for evermore.
A family prayer at evening
O God of all life, thank you
for looking after us today and for all your goodness to us. Bless us tonight
with your forgiveness, send your peace into our hearts, and take us and all we
love into your care; for Jesus Christ our Saviour's sake.
God our Father, in your mercy
accept these offerings which we now present to you with thankful hearts; and
grant that our gifts may be hallowed by your blessing and used in your service;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Those facing
Lord you give to every man his
work by which to glorify you, and his rest
from labour when the time of
retirement comes: grant your blessing to this
your servant who lays down the
burden of his life's employment.
May he find other means of
true satisfaction in life, and continue to serve
you while strength shall last;
and in the end may he find a welcome to the
eternal home in which all
serve you in peace and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By
his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance which is
undefiled and unfading,
reserved in heaven for all who put their faith in God. (Based on 1 Peter 1.3-5)
For mothers
Lord Jesus, you know well the
blessings an earthly home can bring: receive our thanks for all the love we
have enjoyed in our homes, especially from those who have nurtured us from our
earliest years;
and hear our prayer for
mothers everywhere, that they may never lose heart, nor ever be taken for
granted, but may, with Mary your mother, receive the honour they deserve. Lord
Jesus, bless them and keep them,
now and for ever.
We give you our thanks, O god our Father, for the gift of your Son Jesus Christ, whose coming into this world was proclaimed by prophets of old, and who was born for us in lowliness and poverty at Bethlehem. As we make ready once again to celebrate his birth, fill our hearts with your own joy and peace, and enable us to welcome him as our Saviour; so that when he comes again in his glory and majesty, he may find in us a people prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
O God our Father, we are preparing to celebrate the birthday of your Son, Jesus Christ. While we recall his coming as a tiny baby in weakness and humility, may we be reminded that one day he will come in power and glory. We make this prayer to you through the same Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen
We give thanks to the Father at this Christmas time, for the gift of his son to be our Saviour; for the love if Christ in taking our human nature; for the lowly birth at Bethlehem; and for the great redemptive he has brought to us and to all mankind. And with the angelic host we too would cry, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. Amen
Heavenly Father, we pray that amid all the joys and festivities of this season, we may not forget what Christmas really means: that you loved the world so much that you gave your only Son, who was born to be our Saviour. Accept our thanksgiving, and fill us with the spirit of charity and goodwill, that we may show our gratitude in generous service to those who need our help; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen
The angels sang when Christ was born, and so must we. With thankful hearts we celebrate his nativity and lift up our voices in joyful song. With the heavenly host we cry, Glory to God in the highest! Accept O Lord God, our worship, and as we hear again the Christmas story in word and song, show us something more of your great love in Jesus Christ your Son. Amen
Son of Man, our friend and brother, you were born in a stable because there was no room in the inn. While we celebrate your birthday in the comfort of our homes this Christmas, we remember those who have no homes, or are forced to live on the streets. Give us an understanding of their needs, show us what we can do to help, and make us generous in our love and gifts because of Bethlehem, because of your love for us all. Amen
O Lord Jesus Christ, who at your first coming sent your messenger to prepare your way before you: Grant that the ministers and stewards of your mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready your way by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at your second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in your sight; for you are alive and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen
Almighty God, Give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen
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