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Notices: 25th December 2011

Christmas Day: Sunday 25th 10.00am Family Service with a shortened Holy Communion after a short pause. Children may bring along one unwrapped present. This week: New Year’s Eve 11.30pm Watchnight Service Next Sunday: New Year’s Day 11.00am Holy Communion Flower Rota The new flower rota for 2012 is now available in the porch if you wish to sign up. For more information, speak to Jean Parsons. Pastoral Emergencies In the event of a pastoral emergency between Sunday 25th and Tuesday 27th, please contact Canon David Skuce (Maguiresbridge) on 028 6772 1250. Christmas Greetings Lynsey and I would like to express our thanks and appreciation for all your help, support and kindness in our first few months in the parish. We hope you have a blessed and joyful Christmas, and a peaceful new year - Gary

Notices: 18th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Morning Prayer 2 7.00pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band, followed by seasonal refreshments. All welcome. Please join us at any or all of our Christmas Services: Christmas Eve 11.15pm Holy Communion Christmas Day 10.00am Family Service with a shortened Holy Communion after a short pause. Children may bring along one unwrapped present New Year’s Eve 11.30pm Watchnight Service New Year’s Day 11.00am Holy Communion

Notices: 11th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Family Nativity Service 3.00pm Brookeborough District Carol Service in the Brooke Memorial Orange Hall. All welcome. This week: Monday 12th Bowls Christmas Night at 7.30pm Decorating Church for Christmas - speak to Jean Parsons if you would like to help. Tuesday 13th MU Carol singing in Northwick House PNH at 7.00pm Wednesday 14th GFS Christmas Party at 6.30pm Thursday 15th Primary School Christmas Concert 7.30pm Friday 16th Sunday School Christmas Party at 7.30pm Riverbrooke Cross-Community Carols - St Mary’s Church, Brookeborough at 8.00pm Social for Secondary School age in Clabby Church Hall at 9.30pm Next Sunday: Sunday 18th 11.00am Morning Prayer 7.00pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band and seasonal refreshments Thank you to all the boys, girls and teachers of the Sunday School, and Myrtle for all their hard work in rehearsing and producing this morning’s Nativity play. Please join us for our other Christmas services: Christmas Eve 11.15pm H...

Notices: 4th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall (please note earlier time) This week: Monday 5th 8pm Bowls Saturday 10th Nativity Dress Rehearsal Next Sunday: Sunday 11th 10am Sunday School 11am Family Nativity Service presented by Sunday School - in Church Halls Coming Up: Monday 12th Decorating Church for Christmas - speak to Jean Parsons if you would like to help. Tuesday 13th MU Carol singing in Northwick House PNH Wednesday 14th GFS Christmas Party Thursday 15th Brookeborough PS Christmas Concert Friday 16th Sunday School Christmas Party Thank you to all who contributed towards and came to support the Sale of Work on Wednesday night. Almost £3000 has been raised for parish funds. Pettigo Methodist Church are holding a Christmas Tree Festival next weekend: Saturday 10th (11am - 7pm) and Sunday 11th (2pm - 6pm). Everyone welcome.

Notices: 27th October 2011

Today: 11.00am Morning Prayer 2 with Baptism. We welcome the family and friends of Caitlin Eileen McNeill, who comes to be baptised. This week: Monday 28th 8pm Bowls Wednesday 30th Sale of Work in the Church Halls at 8pm. Come along for a good evening of fellowship and fun. All welcome. Friday 2nd Brookeborough Primary School PTA Pamper Night at 7pm. Entrance £5 by ticket from the school or on the evening. Next Sunday: Sunday 4th 10am Sunday School 11am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Mem Hall Coming Up: Sunday 11th Family Nativity Service presented by the Sunday School Tuesday 13th MU Carol singing in Northwick House PNH Wednesday 14th GFS Christmas Party Thursday 15th Brookeborough PS Christmas Concert Friday 16th Sunday School Christmas Party Pettigo Methodist Church are holding a Christmas Tree Festival in December: Saturday 10th (11am - 7pm) and Sunday 11th (2pm - 6pm). Everyone welcome.

Notices: 20th November 2011

Today: 11am Family Service. We welcome Mr Andrew Thompson, to this morning’s service. Andrew is a first year student at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. Next Sunday: 10 am Sunday School 11 am Morning Prayer with Baptism This Week: Monday 21st Bowls match away to Sallaghy Historical Society in the Station House at 8pm. Sam Morrow: Farming in Fermanagh Wednesday 23rd GFS at 6.30 pm Riverbrooke Inititative in the Station House at 7.30pm. Richard Moore (Children in Crossfire) Friday 25th Installation of Roderic West as Archdeacon of Dromore - Dromore Cathedral at 8pm. Coming Up: Wednesday 30th Sale of Work at 8pm Friday 2nd Dec Brookeborough Primary School PTA Pamper Night at 7pm. Entrance £5 by ticket from the school or on the evening. Tuesday 13th Dec MU Carol singing at Northwick House In case of pastoral emergency until 26th November, please contact Canon David Skuce (Maguiresbridge) on 028 6772 125O.

Notices: 13th November 2011

Today: 11.30am Morning Prayer 2 including Act of Remembrance This week: Monday 14th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 15th 8pm Select Vestry Wednesday 16th 6.30pm GFS Next Sunday: Sunday 20th 10am Sunday School 11am Family Service with Andrew Thompson (Theological Institute Student) Coming Up: Friday 25th Installation of Roderic West as Archdeacon of Dromore - Dromore Cathedral Wednesday 30th Sale of Work In case of pastoral emergency from 19th to 26th November, please contact Canon David Skuce (Maguiresbridge) on (028) 6772 125O.

Notices: 6th November 2011

Today: 11am Holy Communion 2 - please mark p 201 This week: Monday 7th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 8th Mothers’ Union AGM Wednesday 9th 6.30pm GFS Next Sunday: Sunday 6th 10.45am Service of Remembrance at Brookeborough Cenotaph 11.30am Morning Prayer Coming Up: Tuesday 15th Select Vestry - items for the agenda with the Rector by this Thursday, please. Friday 25th Installation of Roderic West as Archdeacon of Dromore - Dromore Cathedral Clogher Diocesan Magazine The November issue of the Diocesan Magazine is available for collection today. If you have any notices for the December/January issue, please give them to the Rector today.

Notices: 30th October 2011

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 1 - please mark p 86 & 758 This week: Monday 31st 8pm Bowls Tuesday 1st 7pm Diocesan Insurance Evening - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall Wednesday 2nd 6.30pm GFS 8pm MU invited to Fivemiletown Methodist Church - Wesleyan Hall. Speaker: Rev Noel Regan, Rector of Clogher Next Sunday: Sunday 6th 10am Sunday School 11am Holy Communion 3pm Crosslinks regional event - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall. Speaker: working in Asia 7pm Brooke Hall Evening Prayer Coming Up: Tuesday 8th Mothers’ Union AGM Clogher Diocesan Magazine Please submit any notes for the December edition of the Clogher Magazine to the Rector by next Sunday.

Notices: 23rd October

Today: 11am Morning Prayer - please mark pages 101 & 724 This Week: The annual bowls fun tournament is being held in the Church Hall from Monday to Friday. Monday 24th NI Blood Transfusion Service at Lisbellaw Parish Centre 2.45pm - 4pm & 5.15pm - 8pm. Friday 28th Social in Colebrooke Parish Hall at 9pm Next Sunday: Sunday 30th British Summer Time ends (don't forget to put your clocks back!) 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer Coming up in November: Tuesday 1st Diocesan Insurance Evening (Enniskillen) Tuesday 8th Mothers' Union AGM Friday 25th Installation of Ven Roderic West as Archdeacon of Dromore Wednesday 30th Sale of work The DVD of the Rector's Institution service is available at a cost of £10. Please put your name on the sheet in the porch to order your copy.

Notices: 16th October

Today: 11am Church Family Service 4 pm Enthronement of Bishop John in Enniskillen Cathedral - Youth Service Next Sunday: 10 am Sunday School 11 am Morning Prayer This Week: Monday 17th Bowls at 8 pm Brookeborough History Group in the Station House at 8 pm: The 1901 & 1911 Census Tuesday 18th Select Vestry at 8 pm MU invited to Colebrooke MU at 8 pm. The speaker is from Citizens’ Advice Bureau Wednesday 19th GFS at 6.30 pm Saturday 22nd In The Footsteps of Heroes - Ardhowen Theatre at 8 pm. Admission by ticket only: £15 from Ardhowen Theatre. Event sponsored by Lisbellaw Parish Coming Up: Monday 24th Bowls Tournament begins Friday 28th Autumn Social - Colebrooke Parish Hall at 9pm. Admission £5. The DVD of the Institution service is now available to order, priced £10. Please put your name on the list in the porch.

Notices: 9th October 2011

Today: 11am Holy Communion 1 7.30pm Brooke Memorial Hall Harvest This week: Monday 10th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 11th 8pm MU Visitors’ Night. Speaker: Mrs Ruth Mercer, All-Ireland President. Members please remember ‘Talent Table’. Visitors will be very welcome. Wednesday 12th 6.30pm GFS Thursday 13th Cornafanog Mission Hall Harvest Next Sunday: 11am Church Family Service 4pm Enthronement of our new Bishop in Enniskillen Cathedral Coming Up: Tuesday 18th Select Vestry Monday 24th Bowls Tournament begins Thank you to all who helped in any way to make the Harvest Weekend so special.

Notices: 2nd October 2011

Our harvest celebrations continue tonight at 7.30pm. Thank you to all who helped by donating and decorating the Church building for harvest. Next Sunday: 10am Sunday School 11am Holy Communion 7.30pm Harvest - Brooke Memorial Hall This Week: Monday 3rd Removal of harvest decorations at 10am Bowls at 8pm Tuesday 4th MU invited to Derrybrusk MU in Bellisle Orange Hall at 8pm. Speakers: Captains Harry & Roberts (Salvation Army), accompanied by Salvation Army Singers Wednesday 5th GFS at 6.30pm Thursday 6th Missionary Roadshow - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall 5.30pm - 9.30pm. Feel free to drop in for a little while; tea & coffee available Coming Up in October: Tuesday 11th Mothers’ Union Visitors Night Thursday 13th Harvest Thanksgiving, Cornafanog Hall Sunday 16th Enthronement of Bishop John in Enniskillen Cathedral Monday 24th Bowls Tournament begins Notes for the November Diocesan Magazine to the Rector by this Wednesday, please.

Notices: 25th September 2011

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 2 This week: Monday 26th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 27th 8pm Choir Practice Wednesday 28th 6.30pm GFS re-starts Thursday 29th 2pm Decorating Church for Harvest - speak to Jean Parsons for more info. 4.30pm Clogher Diocesan Synod - Enniskillen Cathedral and Halls Friday 30th 8pm Harvest Thanksgiving, followed by Harvest Supper - Preacher: Rev James Boyd, Dromore Next Sunday: Sunday 2nd 11am Harvest Thanksgiving 4pm Enthronement of our new Bishop in Clogher Cathedral 7.30pm Harvest Thanksgiving - Preacher: Rev Adrian Dorrian, St Peter & St James, Belfast Brookeborough Methodist Church are celebrating their Harvest Thanksgiving today and tomorrow: Sunday 25th at 10.45am & 7.30pm; Monday 26th at 8pm Time For Parents: A gathering for parents and carers begins this Wednesday, 28th September (for three Wednesdays) at 8pm in Colebrooke Church Hall. More information from Emma Gould (8953 1211)

Notices: 18th September 2011

Next Sunday: 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer This Week: Monday 19th Bowls at 8pm Tuesday 20th Select Vestry at 7.30pm Wednesday 21st Choir Practice at 8pm Friday 23rd Ordination & Consecration of Rev John McDowell as Bishop of Clogher - Enniskillen Cathedral (Ticket only) Coming Up: Wednesday 28th GFS begins at 6.30pm Thursday 29th Clogher Diocesan Synod - Enniskillen Friday 30th - Sunday 2nd Harvest Thanksgiving Weekend

Notices: 11th September 2011

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 1 7pm Evening Prayer in the Brooke Memorial Hall Next Sunday: 11am Family Service This week: Monday 12th Bowls at 8pm Tuesday 13th Mothers Union at 8pm (see notice below) Wednesday 14th Choir Practice at 7.30pm in Church Mothers’ Union recommences on Tuesday 13th September at 8pm in the Parish Hall, when we hope to have Mrs Ann Acheson as our guest speaker on the topic of Crafts. Members please bring photographs. Visitors will be very welcome. CMSI Diocesan Evening in St Macartin’s Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen on Wednesday 14th September at 8.00pm. Speaker:  Mr Ronnie Briggs, CMSI Mission Director.