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Some Prayers and Thanksgivings from BCP


FROM EARLIER EDITIONS OF The Book of Common Prayer 

AND FROM Alternative Prayer Book 

The World 


Look, we beseech thee, O Lord, upon the people of this land who are called after thy holy Name; and grant that they may ever walk worthy of their Christian profession. Grant unto us all that, laying aside our divisions, we may be united in heart and mind to bear the burdens which are laid upon us. Help us to respond to the call of our country according to our several powers; put far from us selfish indifference to the needs of others; and give us grace to fulfil our daily duties with sober diligence. Keep us from all uncharitableness in word or deed; and enable us by patient continuance in well-doing to glorify thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed; Kindle, we pray thee, in every heart the true love of peace; and guide with thy pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth; that in tranquillity thy kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O Lord our heavenly Father, we pray you to guide and direct the member states of the European Union. Draw us closer to one another, and help us to attain justice and freedom, and to use our resources for the good of people everywhere; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty and merciful God, who in days of old didst give to this land the benediction of thy holy Church; Withdraw not, we pray thee, thy favour from us, but so correct what is amiss, and supply what is lacking, that we may more and more bring forth fruit to thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to behold thy servant, Queen Elizabeth. Endue her with thy Holy Spirit; enrich her with thy heavenly grace; prosper her with all happiness; and bring her to thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



O God, who through the teaching of thy Son Jesus Christ didst prepare the disciples for the coming of the Comforter; Make ready, we beseech thee, the hearts and minds of thy servants who at this time are seeking the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, that, drawing near with penitent and faithful hearts, they may be filled with the power of his divine presence; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, whose blessed Son went about doing good, and healing all manner of sickness; Continue, we beseech thee, this his gracious work among us, especially in the hospitals and infirmaries of our land; cheer, heal, and sanctify the sick; grant to the physicians, surgeons, and nurses wisdom and skill, sympathy and patience; and send down thy blessing on all who labour to relieve suffering and to forward thy purposes of love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty Father, be present, we beseech thee, with those who are in sor row, in suffering, in sickness, or in distress; and be thou their abiding stay and succour; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Heavenly Father, we pray for the sick and suffering. Help them to know your love that they may seek strength from you, and find peace and healing in your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Grant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved, the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience, not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful remembrance of thy great goodness in past years, and in the sure expec tation of a joyful reunion in the heavenly places; and this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O God, who art present in every place; Mercifully hear our prayers for those whom we love, now absent from us; watch over them, we beseech thee, and protect them in all anxiety, danger, and temptation; teach us and them to know that thou art always near, and that we are one in thee for ever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O almighty God, whose way is in the sea and whose paths are in the great waters: Be present, we beseech thee, with all seafarers in the manifold dangers of the deep; protect them from all perils, prosper them in their course, and bring them in safety to the haven where they would be, with a grateful sense of thy mercies; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 



O almighty God, who alone art without variableness or shadow of turn ing, and hast safely brought us, through the changes of time, to the begin ning of another year; We beseech thee to pardon the sins we have com mitted in the year which is past, and give us grace that we may spend the remainder of our days to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, in whom we live, and move, and have our being; who dost cause thy sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendest rain both upon the just and the unjust; We beseech thee at this time favourably to behold thy people who call upon thee, and send thy blessing down from heaven to give us a fruitful season; that, our hearts being continually filled with thy goodness, we may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

The Church’s Ministry 


Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who hast purchased to thyself an universal Church by the precious blood of thy dear Son; Mercifully look upon the same, and at this time so guide and govern the minds of thy ser vants the bishops and pastors of thy flock, that they may lay hands sud denly on no one, but faithfully and wisely make choice of fit persons to serve in the sacred ministry of thy Church. And to those which shall be ordained to any holy function give thy grace and heavenly benediction; that both by their life and doctrine they may set forth thy glory, and set forward the salvation of all people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy divine providence hast appointed divers orders in thy Church; Give thy grace, we humbly beseech thee, to all those who are this day called to any office and admin istration in the same; and so replenish them with the truth of thy doc trine, and endue them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before thee, to the glory of thy great name, and the benefit of thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O almighty God, look mercifully upon the world, redeemed by the blood of thy dear Son, and send forth many more to do the work of the min istry, that perishing souls may be rescued, and thy glorious triumph may be hastened by the perfecting of thine elect; through the same thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O almighty God, who by thy Holy Spirit dost move the hearts of thy peo ple; May it please thee so to direct the counsels of those who are appoint ed to choose a bishop for this Church and diocese, that we may be given a pastor who in faithfulness and wisdom shall lead thy flock in the way of holiness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, the giver of every good gift, look graciously, we beseech thee, on thy Church, and so guide with thy heavenly wisdom the minds of those to whom is committed the choice of a minister for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who shall feed thy flock according to thy will, and make ready a people acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ, thine only Son our Lord. 

The Church 


O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace; Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord: that, as there is but one Body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may henceforth be all of one heart, and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst say to thine Apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; Regard not our sins, but the faith of thy Church, and grant it that peace and unity which is agreeable to thy will; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. 


God the Holy Spirit, come in power and bring new life to the Church; renew us in love and service, and enable us to be faithful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 


Hear us, most merciful God, for that part of the Church which thou hast planted in our land, that it may hold fast the faith which thou gavest unto the Saints, and in the end bear much fruit to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Lord God, the Father of lights and the Fountain of all wisdom, who hast promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy universal Church to the end of the world; We humbly beseech thee with thy favour to behold the Bishops, Clergy, and People, who are about to assemble and take counsel together [or, who are now assembled and taking counsel together] in thy Name, for this Church. Mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may rest upon them, enlighten, and guide them; and that all their consultations may be prospered to the advancement of thy honour and glory, and the welfare of thy Church. Lead them and us into all truth; that so this Church may evermore hold fast and abide in the Apostolic and true Catholic faith, and serve thee without fear in pureness of worship and life, according to thy holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. 


Almighty God, we beseech thee to bless this our parish. Forgive us our many and grievous sins. Draw us nearer to thyself, and cause true religion to increase and abound amongst us. Prosper the reading and preaching of thy Word, and bless all the ministrations of thy Church. Give patience to the sick and afflicted, and make their sufferings a blessing to them. Visit with thy favour the schools and all who teach or learn therein; and make us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of thee and of thy dear Son, whom to know is life eternal. Hear us for the sake of him who died for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, who by thy Son Jesus Christ didst give commandment to the apostles, that they should go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature; Grant to us, whom thou hast called into thy Church, a ready will to obey thy Word, and fill us with a hearty desire to make thy way known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Look with compassion on all that have not known thee, and upon the multitudes that are scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. O heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, have respect, we beseech thee, to our prayers, and send forth labourers into thine harvest. Fit and prepare them by thy grace for the work of their ministry; give them the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind; strengthen them to endure hardness; and grant that thy Holy Spirit may prosper their work, and that by their life and doctrine they may set forth thy glory, and set forward the salvation of all people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O God, our heavenly Father, we humbly pray thee to bless abundantly the efforts that are now being made [or, about to be made] to turn thy people in this parish [and diocese] to more sincere repentance and more living faith. Prepare all hearts to receive the seed of thy Word. Grant that it may take deep root, and bring forth fruit to thy glory. Arouse the careless amongst us, humble the self-righteous, soften the hardened, encourage the fearful, relieve the doubting, bring many souls in loving faith and self surrender to thyself, and visit us with thy salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

General and Concluding Prayers 


Be mindful, O Lord, of thy people present here before thee, and of those who are absent through age, sickness, or infirmity. Care for the infants, guide the young, support the aged, encourage the faint-hearted, collect the scattered, and bring back the wandering to thy fold. Travel with the voyagers, defend the widows, shield the orphans, deliver the captives, heal the sick. Succour all who are in tribulation, necessity, or distress. Remember for good all those that love us, and those that hate us, and those that have desired us, unworthy as we are, to pray for them. And those whom we have forgotten, do thou, O Lord, remember. For thou art the helper of the helpless, the saviour of the lost, the refuge of the wanderer, the healer of the sick. Thou, who knowest the need of each one, and hast heard their prayer, grant unto each according to thy merciful lov ing-kindness, and thy eternal love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O Lord Jesus Christ, who as on this day didst rise from the dead; Teach us to reverence this thy holy day, and give us grace so to use it, that we may rise to newness of life, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. 


O heavenly Father, in whom we live and move and have our being; We humbly pray thee so to guide and govern us by thy Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our daily life we may never forget thee, but remember that we are ever walking in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


O God, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive; Receive our humble petitions; and, though we be tied and bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose us; for the honour of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. 


Remember, O Lord, that which thou hast wrought in us, and not what we deserve; and as thou hast called us to thy service, make us worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty and eternal God, sanctify our hearts and bodies in the ways of your laws and in the works of your commandments; that under your pro tection we may be preserved in body and soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Go before us, Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favour, and further us with your continual help; that in all our works begun, contin ued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name, and finally by your mercy attain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Heavenly Father, you have promised through your Son, Jesus Christ, that when we meet in his name, and pray according to his mind, he will be among us and hear our prayer. In love and wisdom fulfil our desires, and give us your greatest gift, which is to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 


152 Some Prayers and Thanksgivingse

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our needs before we ask, and our ignorance in asking; have compassion on our weakness, and give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and in our blindness we cannot ask; for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 



Almighty God, whose mercy is over all thy works; We praise thee for the blessings which have been brought to mankind by thy holy Church throughout all the world. We bless thee for the grace of thy sacraments; for our fellowship in Christ with thee, and with one another; for the teaching of the Scriptures and for the preaching of thy Word. We thank thee for the holy example of thy saints in all ages; for thy servants depart ed this life in thy faith and fear, and for the memory and example of all that has been true and good in their lives. And we humbly beseech thee that we may be numbered with them in the great company of the redeemed in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, we praise you for the blessings brought to the world through your Church. We bless you for the grace of the sacraments, for our fellowship in Christ with you and with each other, for the teaching of the Scriptures, and for the preaching of your word. We thank you for the holy example of your saints, for your faithful servants departed this life, and for the memory and example of all that has been true and good in their lives. Number us with them in the company of the redeemed in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of your holy Word. May it be a lantern to our feet, a light to our paths, and a strength in our lives. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 


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