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Showing posts from December, 2011

Notices: 25th December 2011

Christmas Day: Sunday 25th 10.00am Family Service with a shortened Holy Communion after a short pause. Children may bring along one unwrapped present. This week: New Year’s Eve 11.30pm Watchnight Service Next Sunday: New Year’s Day 11.00am Holy Communion Flower Rota The new flower rota for 2012 is now available in the porch if you wish to sign up. For more information, speak to Jean Parsons. Pastoral Emergencies In the event of a pastoral emergency between Sunday 25th and Tuesday 27th, please contact Canon David Skuce (Maguiresbridge) on 028 6772 1250. Christmas Greetings Lynsey and I would like to express our thanks and appreciation for all your help, support and kindness in our first few months in the parish. We hope you have a blessed and joyful Christmas, and a peaceful new year - Gary

Notices: 18th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Morning Prayer 2 7.00pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band, followed by seasonal refreshments. All welcome. Please join us at any or all of our Christmas Services: Christmas Eve 11.15pm Holy Communion Christmas Day 10.00am Family Service with a shortened Holy Communion after a short pause. Children may bring along one unwrapped present New Year’s Eve 11.30pm Watchnight Service New Year’s Day 11.00am Holy Communion

Notices: 11th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Family Nativity Service 3.00pm Brookeborough District Carol Service in the Brooke Memorial Orange Hall. All welcome. This week: Monday 12th Bowls Christmas Night at 7.30pm Decorating Church for Christmas - speak to Jean Parsons if you would like to help. Tuesday 13th MU Carol singing in Northwick House PNH at 7.00pm Wednesday 14th GFS Christmas Party at 6.30pm Thursday 15th Primary School Christmas Concert 7.30pm Friday 16th Sunday School Christmas Party at 7.30pm Riverbrooke Cross-Community Carols - St Mary’s Church, Brookeborough at 8.00pm Social for Secondary School age in Clabby Church Hall at 9.30pm Next Sunday: Sunday 18th 11.00am Morning Prayer 7.00pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band and seasonal refreshments Thank you to all the boys, girls and teachers of the Sunday School, and Myrtle for all their hard work in rehearsing and producing this morning’s Nativity play. Please join us for our other Christmas services: Christmas Eve 11.15pm H...

Notices: 4th December 2011

Today: 11.00am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall (please note earlier time) This week: Monday 5th 8pm Bowls Saturday 10th Nativity Dress Rehearsal Next Sunday: Sunday 11th 10am Sunday School 11am Family Nativity Service presented by Sunday School - in Church Halls Coming Up: Monday 12th Decorating Church for Christmas - speak to Jean Parsons if you would like to help. Tuesday 13th MU Carol singing in Northwick House PNH Wednesday 14th GFS Christmas Party Thursday 15th Brookeborough PS Christmas Concert Friday 16th Sunday School Christmas Party Thank you to all who contributed towards and came to support the Sale of Work on Wednesday night. Almost £3000 has been raised for parish funds. Pettigo Methodist Church are holding a Christmas Tree Festival next weekend: Saturday 10th (11am - 7pm) and Sunday 11th (2pm - 6pm). Everyone welcome.