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Showing posts from November, 2012

Notices: 25th November 2012

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Morning Prayer with Baptism. We welcome the family & friends of Matthew who comes to be baptised. 3.30 pm Rekindle by Crosslinks - Enniskillen Cathedral Halls - see postcards for more details Next Sunday: Sunday 2nd December 2012 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Holy Communion 7.00 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall This Week Monday 26th 8pm Bowls match at home v Sallaghy Wednesday 28th 8pm Christmas Fair & Art Exhibition Christmas Fair The Church Hall will be open on Wednesday during the following times to receive goods for the sale: 10am - 12pm; 2pm - 4pm; 6pm - 8pm. On the evening, we will be unveiling a new photograph of Aghavea, and inviting orders. All welcome for a great evening. Flower Rota If you would like to add your name to the 2013 Flower Rota, please speak to Jean Parsons. Cleaning Rota The new Cleaning Rota is now available in the porch. Gift Aid Forms If you are a UK Income Tax payer, your d...

Notices: 11th November 2012

Today: 11.30am Morning Prayer 2 including Act of Remembrance 3.30pm Rekindle by Crosslinks: Enniskillen Cathedral Hall - see postcards in porch for more details Next Sunday: 10.00am Sunday School 11.00am Family Service 3.30pm Rekindle - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall This week: Monday 12th 8pm Bowls match away v Sallaghy Tuesday 13th 8pm Mothers’ Union AGM Wednesday 14th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Fellowship Group Bible Study Coming Up: Tuesday 20th Select Vestry Thursday 22nd Bowls match away v Lack/Ederney Monday 26th Bowls match home v Sallaghy Wednesday 28th Christmas Fair & Sale of Work with Art Exhibition Select Vestry Any items for the agenda of the next meeting on Tuesday 20th should be with the Rector by this Wednesday, please.

Notices: 4th November 2012

Today 10.00 am Sunday School and Confirmation Group 11.00 am Confirmation with Holy Communion. We welcome the family and friends of the twelve candidates being confirmed, as well as Bishop John, who will lead our service today. 3.00 pm Funeral Service: the late Fred Clarke. Cortege will leave his home at Littlemount at 2.30pm. 3.30 pm Rekindle by Crosslinks - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall. See postcards in the porch for more details. 7.00 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall, Brookeborough 7.30 pm Diocesan Ministry of Healing service - Lisbellaw Parish Church. Speaker: Rev Isobel Nixon Next Sunday 11th November 2012 10.45am Act of Remembrance - Brookeborough War Memorial 11.30am Morning Prayer including an Act of Remembrance 3.30pm Rekindle - Enniskillen Cathedral Hall This Week Monday 5th 8.00pm Bowls match at home v Lack/Ederney Wednesday 7th 6.30pm GFS Thursday 8th 11.30am A service of Remembrance and Reflection on the 25th anniversary of the Enniskillen Bomb ...