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Showing posts from June, 2013

Notices: 30th June 2013

Today: 11.00 am Service of the Word 6.30 pm SNATCH Planning Meeting - Church Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 7th July 11.00 am Holy Communion - parish church Church Works Update It is hoped that we will return to the church building next Sunday, God willing, with the plastering in the porch completed and just the electrical work to be finished early this week. Some help will be required to clean the church building to enable our return. If you are able to help on Thursday or Friday of this week, please speak to Frances Cartwright today. Diocesan Magazine The next Diocesan Magazine deadline will be Sunday 11th August. Please forward any notes, including start dates for organisations, to Gary in good time. Summer Readers There are still spaces on the rota for reading the Bible on Sunday mornings during the summer. If you would like to be included, please speak to Gary today.

Sermon: 23rd June 2013

On Sunday morning we were delighted to welcome Alastair Donaldson as our visiting preacher. Alastair is a first year ordinand at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, and preached from 1 Peter 3:13-22 . Listen in here.

Notices: 23rd June 2013

Today: 11.00 am Morning Prayer - We welcome Alastair Donaldson, a First Year Ordinand at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, who will be embarking on ‘ Run4Christ ’ around the island of Ireland this summer. Next Sunday: Sunday 30th June 2013 11.00 am Service of the Word 4.00 pm SNATCH Planning Meeting - Aghavea Church Halls Summer Readers Over the next fortnight the rota for reading the Bible on Sunday mornings will be completed. If you would like to be included, please speak to Gary. Diocesan Magazine Notes The next Diocesan Magazine deadline will be Sunday 11th August. Please forward any notes, including start dates for organisations, to Gary in good time.

Notices: 16th June 2013

Today: 11.00 am Family Service - we welcome our speaker, Stewart Glendinning. Followed by Parish Lunch. 7.30 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 23rd June 11.00 am Morning Prayer. Speaker: Alastair Donaldson, CITI This Week: Tuesday 18th 8pm Select Vestry G8 Prayer Centres Enniskillen Cathedral Pre-G8 Service today at 3pm. Enniskillen Methodist Church now until 8pm on Tuesday 18th - a 24/7 prayer facility in; drop in to pray at any time. Also, Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th from 9.30am - 9.30pm at the Fountain Centre, Kesh.

Notices: 9th June 2013

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm SNATCH - final night Next Sunday: Sunday 16th June 2013 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Children’s Day Family Service & Parish Lunch 7.00 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall Coming Up: Tuesday 18th Select Vestry - items for agenda, please Parish Lunch Please sign up on the list for next Sunday’s lunch. We look forward to welcoming Mr Stewart Glendinning as our speaker. Donations received at the lunch will go to the work of CMS Ireland and the porch repairs. Scripture Union The final session of ‘It’s Your Move’ with the P7s in Brookeborough Primary School is tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for Jeff and the team, and the P7s as they prepare to move schools in September. G8 Prayer Summit 8pm on Friday 14th through to 8pm on Tuesday 18th - a 24/7 prayer facility in Enniskillen Methodist Church; feel free to drop in to pray at any time. G8 Prayer Centre Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th from 9.30am ...

Sermon: 2nd June 2013

On Sunday morning at our special Gift Day service, we celebrated God the Giver as we listened in to Jesus speaking with Nicodemus, teaching him about God's love.

Notices: 2nd June 2013

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Service of the Word 7.30 pm Favourite Hymns evening Next Sunday: Sunday 9th June 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm SNATCH This Week Saturday 8th Sunday School Trip to Portrush - bus leaves Station House at 8am. Children’s Day & Parish Lunch Sunday 16th June. Speaker: Stewart Glendinning, followed by Parish Lunch. Please sign up on the list in the porch if you’re planning to come for your lunch! Diocesan Magazine Any news or articles for the July/August edition of the Diocesan Magazine should be with the Rector by Thursday, please. Jeff Gawn Please pray for Jeff Gawn (SU) as he delivers the second It’s Your Move lesson tomorrow afternoon in Brookeborough PS.