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Showing posts from January, 2014

January Sermon Round-Up

We haven't posted any sermon audio since before Christmas, but we'll hopefully get back to a more regular service from now on. Here are the sermons from January (except for the Family Service as it's harder to record). 5th January: Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11) 12th January: Following Jesus (Luke 6:12-26) 26th January: Jesus' Powerful Words (Luke 7:1-17)

Notices: Sunday 26th January 2014

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Morning Prayer Next Sunday: Sunday 2nd February 2014 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Holy Communion - Luke 7: 18-35 7.30 pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 27th 8pm Bowls match home v Fawney Wednesday 29th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible Study - Ruth 2 (don’t read ahead!) Coming Up: Friday 7th February SAMS Friday Night Live, Craigavon Sunday 9th Missionary Sunday - speaker: Colin Morris (Crosslinks) Mothers’ Union Invitations Thursday 6th February: Lisnaskea MU Visitors’ Night in the Trinity Hall - CMSI representatives with the Market Stall of crafts produced overseas. Saturday 15th February: Clogher Diocesan Prayer Breakfast, Killyhevlin Hotel - Canon Kathy Trimby (MU Faith & Policy). Cost £8, book by 5th Feb with Valerie Crawford or Helen Rutledge. More 2 Life Every night this week at Brookeborough Elim Church - speaker: Darryl Kidd. Tonight at 7pm, tomorrow - Friday at 8pm. All welcome. Maguiresbridge Silver Ba...

Notices: Sunday 19th January 2014

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Church Family Service 7.30 pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 26th January 2014 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Morning Prayer - Luke 7: 1-17 God is here This Week: Monday 20th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 21st 8pm Select Vestry Wednesday 22nd 6.30pm GFS 7.45pm Youth Council Consultation - Lisnaskea 8pm Bowls match away v Clogh Thursday 23rd 7.30pm Diocesan Listening Process on Human Sexuality in Aghavea Hall. To register your attendance, contact the Diocesan Office on 028 6634 7879 by tomorrow. Coming Up: Monday 27th Bowls match home v Fawney Wednesday 29th Bible Study - Ruth 2 Friday 7th February SAMS Friday Night Live, Craigavon Mothers’ Union Invitations Thursday 6th February: Lisnaskea MU Visitors’ Night in the Trinity Hall - CMSI representatives with the Market Stall of crafts produced overseas. Saturday 15th February: Clogher Diocesan Prayer Breakfast, Killyhevlin Hotel - Canon Kathy Trimby (MU Faith ...

Notices: Sunday 12th January 2014

Today: 10.00 am Sunday School begins 11.00 am Morning Prayer with Baptism 7.00 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 19th January 2014 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Church Family Service 7.30 pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 13th 8pm Bowls match home v Clogh 7.45pm Youth Council Consultation - Ballinamallard Tuesday 14th 8pm Mothers’ Union Communion Service - Church Wednesday 15th 6.30pm GFS begins 8pm Bible Study begins Thursday 16th 7.45pm Youth Council Consultation - Monaghan Coming Up: Tuesday 21st Select Vestry (items for agenda, please) Wednesday 22nd Bowls match away v Clogh Youth Council Consultation - Lisnaskea Thursday 23rd Diocesan Listening Process on Human Sexuality - Aghavea Hall. To register your attendance contact the Diocesan Office on 028 66347879 by 20th The Pantry (A Helping Hand) Non-perishable food donations can be left in the box at the back of the church building to help this new Foodbank....

Notices: Sunday 5th January 2014

We wish you a happy and blessed new year! Today: 11.00 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm SNATCH - Aghavea Church Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 12th January 2014 10.00 am Sunday School begins 11.00 am Morning Prayer with Baptism 7.00 pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall This Week: Monday 6th 8pm Bowls Coming Up: Monday 13th Bowls match at home v Clogh Tuesday 21st Select Vestry (items for agenda, please) Wednesday 22nd Bowls match away v Clogh Thursday 23rd Diocesan event - Aghavea Start Dates We hope you enjoyed the Christmas break. Organisations begin again in January: Sunday 5th SNATCH - 7.30pm, Aghavea Church Hall Monday 6th Bowls - 8pm, Church Hall Sunday 12th Sunday School - 10am Church Hall Tuesday 14th Mothers’ Union - 8pm Parish Church (Communion) Wednesday 15th GFS - 6.30pm Church Hall Bible Study - 8pm Church Hall Clogher Diocesan Youth Council Consultations with youth leaders to chart the course for the new Youth Council are being held at 7.4...