Today: 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Service of the Word Next Sunday: Sunday 6th April 2014 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Morning Prayer: Ken Rutledge - Luke 9:37-50 This Week: Monday 31st 8pm Bowls closing night and AGM Wednesday 2nd 6.30pm GFS 8pm Lent Service: How deep is your love? Coming Up: Tuesday 8th Mothers’ Union - speaker: Canon Noel Regan Saturday 12th GFS Coffee Morning with cake and craft stalls Sunday 13th Praise Service led by SNATCH Monday 14th Holy Week services with Brookeborough Methodist Mothers’ Union Outing Saturday 31st May: Hillmount Garden Centre; The Somme Heritage Centre; shopping at Sprucefield Shopping Centre; dinner at Viscounts, Dungannon. To book your seat on the coach, speak to Valerie Crawford. Mothers’ Union Invitation Thursday 3rd April at 8pm in Clogh Hall: Joanne Dobson: Organ Transplants The Wednesday Club Annual Coffee Morning & Sale of Work Wednesday 16th April from 10am - 12pm in Brookeborough Methodist...
A Church of Ireland congregation near Brookeborough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC105425.