Today: 11.00 am Morning Prayer followed by Lunch and the Easter Vestry 7.30 pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 4th May 2014 10.00 am Sunday School 11.00 am Holy Communion - Titus 1:1-4 Introducing Titus This Week: Friday 2nd GFS Diocesan Service - Ballinamallard Coming Up: Tuesday 13th Mothers’ Union at Crom - tour and supper Friday 16th Mothers’ Union Area Service in Aghavea Dates for your Diary 16th May - Mothers’ Union Area Service - speaker: Rev Melanie Lacy 1st June - Gift Day & Favourite Hymns - speaker: Very Rev Raymond Ferguson 15th June - Children’s Day - speaker: Mr Johnny Beare (Dundonald) Clogher Diocesan Youth Council: The Way Forward Following consultation events in January, the Youth Council are providing follow-up meetings to chart the way forward. These will be held on 14th May (Trinity Hall, Lisnaskea at 7pm), 19th May (Archdale Hall, Ballinamallard at 7pm) and 22nd May (St Patrick’s Church, Monaghan at 7pm.) All youth leaders ...
A Church of Ireland congregation near Brookeborough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC105425.