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Showing posts from January, 2015

Notices: Sunday 25th January 2015

Today: 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Church Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 1st February 2015 10am Sunday School 11am Holy Communion - Luke 11: 14-36 7pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Hall This Week: Monday 26th 8pm Bowls Wednesday 28th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible Study - Mountain Climbing (Isaiah 2) Thursday 29th 8pm Bowls match away v Trory Friday 30th 7.30pm SAMS Friday Night Live - Craigavon Civic Centre Coming Up: Monday 2nd 8pm Bowls friendly away at Enniskillen Methodist Wed 18th Ash Wednesday - Lent Midweek services begin Friday 27th Gospel Concert - tickets available from next week 2015 Rotas The Flower Rota and Cleaning Rota for 2015 are now available in the porch. Please sign up to serve in these important duties to keep the Parish Church looking well for visitors and worshippers alike. SAMS: Friday Night Live Friday 30th January 2015 at 7.30pm in Craigavon Civic Centre Hear of God at work in South America with worship and witn...

Notices: Sunday 18th January 2015

Today: 10am Sunday School 11am Church Family Service 7pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Memorial Hall - Luke 10: 38-42 Next Sunday: Sunday 25th January 2015 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer - Luke 11: 1-13 Praying to our Father 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Hall This Week: Monday 19th 8pm Bowling Club Tuesday 20th 8pm Select Vestry - agenda available today Wednesday 21st 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bowls match away v St Macartin’s Saturday 24th 8pm CAMPFIRE - CDYC Event in Ballinamallard - wear your onesie! Meeting at 7.15pm at Aghavea. Coming Up: Thursday 29th Bowls match away v Trory 2015 Rotas The Flower Rota and Cleaning Rota for 2015 are now available in the porch. Please sign up to serve in these important duties to keep the Parish Church looking well for visitors and worshippers alike. Clogher Diocesan Youth Council CAMPFIRE Saturday 25th January 2015 at 8pm in the Archdale Hall, Ballinamallard. Meet at Aghavea at 7.15pm. Consent forms available from SNATCH Leader...

Sermon: 11th January 2015

As we continue to follow Jesus on 'The Way of the Cross' we find that we are Sent by Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom.

Sermon: 4th January 2015

On Sunday 4th January, we began our new series 'The Way of the Cross' as Jesus sets his face to go up to Jerusalem and the cross. We hear the call of Jesus to 'Follow me' .

Christmas Sermon Update

We're well into January, but here are a couple of sermons which were preached on the Sundays before and after Christmas. The Christmas (Family) Tree Simeon's Bucket List

Notices: Sunday 11th January 2015

Today: 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Church Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 18th January 2015 10am Sunday School 11am Church Family Service - Luke 10:25-42 7pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Hall This Week: Monday 12th 8pm Bowls match at home v St Macartin’s 8pm CDYC meets at the Rectory Tuesday 13th 8pm Mothers’ Union Holy Communion. Preacher: Rev Ngozi Njoku (Rector of Garrison, Slavin, Belleek & Kiltyclogher) Wednesday 14th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible Study Coming Up: Tuesday 20th Select Vestry - items for agenda by Thursday, please Saturday 24th Campfire - CDYC Youth Event in Ballinamallard - wear your onesie! 2015 Rotas The Flower Rota and Cleaning Rota for 2015 are now available in the porch. Please sign up to serve in these important duties to keep the Parish Church looking well for visitors and worshippers alike. Clogher Diocesan Youth Council CAMPFIRE Saturday 25th January 2015 at 8pm in the Archdale Hall, Ballinamallard. Strict...

Notices: Sunday 4th January 2015

Happy New Year! Today: 11am Holy Communion Next Sunday: Sunday 11th January 2015 10am Sunday School 11am Morning Prayer - Luke 10:1-24 Sent by Jesus 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Church Hall This week: Monday 5th 8pm Bowls begins Thursday 8th GFS Panto Trip - meet at 7pm at Frazer’s Coming up: Monday 12th 8pm Bowls match at home v St Macartin’s 8pm CDYC meets at the Rectory Tuesday 13th 8pm Mothers’ Union Holy Communion. Preacher: Rev Ngozi Njoku (Rector of Garrison, Slavin, Belleek & Kiltyclogher) Wednesday 14th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible Study Diocesan Magazine The deadline for material for the February edition of the Clogher Diocesan Magazine is next Sunday 11th January. Please forward news & articles to Gary. The Word for Today Free Daily Bible Reading notes are available in the porch today. Feel free to take them with you to help as you read the Bible every day in this new year. Prayer Diary Sun 4th Our Mission Partners, settling in a new location...