Today: 10am Sunday School & Confirmation Group 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Palm Sunday Praise led by SNATCH - Clabby Parish Church Next Sunday: Easter Day 5th April 6.30am Dawn Service followed by breakfast - Hall car park 11am Easter Family Celebration This Week: Monday 30th 8pm Brookeborough Methodist - Forgiveness Tuesday 31st 8pm Aghavea - Comfort Wed 1st 8pm Brookeborough Methodist - Assurance Thursday 2nd 8pm Aghavea - Cost Good Friday 8pm Brookeborough Methodist - Victory Saturday 4th 7.30pm CDYC Event - Vigil - Enniskillen Cathedral Coming Up: Sun 19th April Family Service, Light Lunch & Easter Vestry Sun 26th April Confirmation The Wednesday Club Coffee Morning & Sale of Work Wednesday 1st April from 10am - 12pm in Brookeborough Methodist Church. CDYC Event: Vigil Saturday 4th April at 7.30pm Enniskillen Cathedral. Meeting at Aghavea at 7pm. Consent forms from SNATCH. Easter General Vestry The Easter Vestry will be held on Sunday 19th A...
A Church of Ireland congregation near Brookeborough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC105425.