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Showing posts from December, 2015

Notices: Sunday 27th December 2015

Today: 11am Morning Prayer This Week: Thursday 31st: 11.30pm Watchnight Service Next Sunday 3rd January 2016: 11am Holy Communion Coming Up: Wednesday 6th 7.30pm Select Vestry meeting Tuesday 12th 8pm MU Holy Communion - speaker: Rev Anita Kerr (Galloon, Sallaghy & Drummully) Prayer Diary Sun 27th Pray for a growing hunger for God’s word now, and in the new year Mon 28th The emergency services, as they serve the community each day Tue 29th Take some time today to reflect on God’s faithfulness this past year Wed 30th Ask God to show you ways you can love and care for someone in need Thur 31st Give thanks for the past year - highs and lows - all in God’s keeping Fri 1st Ask for God’s grace to help you become more like Jesus in this new year Sat 2nd Bishop John as he leads the diocese of Clogher Sun 3rd Commit to meeting with God’s people at worship each Sunday this year Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Notices: Sunday 20th December 2015

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band Next Sunday: Sunday 27th December 2015 11am Morning Prayer This Week: Thursday 24th 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Friday 25th 10am Christmas Family Communion Coming Up: Thursday 31st 11.30pm Watchnight Service Prayer Diary Sun 20th Ask God to help us hear the real Christmas message at today’s services Mon 21st Those who are housebound, as Home Communions begin Tue 22nd Pray for those who will work over the Christmas holidays Wed 23rd All who will find this Christmas difficult through grief or loneliness Thur 24th Pray for peace in our world, as we celebrate the Prince of peace Fri 25th Give thanks to God for the greatest gift of all - our Saviour Jesus Sat 26th St Stephen was the 1st martyr: all who face persecution & martyrdom Sun 27th Pray for a growing hunger for God’s word now, and in the new year Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Notices: Sunday 13th December 2015

Today: 11am A Messy Christmas Please note that tonight's Christingle has been cancelled. Next Sunday 20th December: 11am Morning Worship 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band This Week: Monday 14th 8pm Bowls Christmas party night Thursday 17th 7pm Riverbrooke Community Carol Service: St Mary’s B’borough Coming up: Thursday 24th 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Friday 25th 10am Christmas Family Communion Prayer Diary Sun 13th All who attend the carol services today, as God’s word is shared Mon 14th The Bowling Club, as they join in fun and fellowship together Tue 15th Crosslinks newest mission partners, the Watsons, preparing for Sweden Wed 16th Pray as you invite people along to Sunday night’s carol service Thur 17th The village of Brookeborough - with tonight’s Riverbrooke Carol Service Fri 18th The work of the Pantry, helping those who are hungry Sat 19th Myrtle, the choir and the band as they lead our carols tomorrow night Sun 20...

Notices: Sunday 6th December 2015

Today: 11am Holy Communion 7pm SNATCH Christmas party - Colebrooke Hall Next Sunday 13th December: 11am A Messy Christmas - All-age celebration - Church Hall 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Memorial Hall This Week: Monday 7th 8pm Bowls match at home v Tubrid Tuesday 8th 7pm Mothers’ Union carol singing - Northwick House Wednesday 9th 8pm Christianity Explored (7) - Rectory Thursday 10th 9pm Football - Castle Park, Lisnaskea Friday 11th Sunday School Christmas party Coming Up: Thursday 17th 7pm Riverbrooke Community Carol Service: St Mary’s B’borough Christmas at Aghavea Sunday 13th December 11am A Messy Christmas - all-age celebration 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Hall Sunday 20th December: 11am Morning Worship 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band Christmas Eve: 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Christmas Day: 10am Christmas Family Communion Prayer Diary Sun 6th Thank God for SNATCH and the growth this term M...