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Showing posts from January, 2017

Notices: Sunday 29th January 2017

Today: 11am Service of the Word with MU Enrolment & Sunday School Next Sunday: 5th February 2017 11am Holy Communion & Sunday School - James 2: 14-26 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 30th 7pm Confirmation Group - Rectory 8pm Bowls match at home v Derrygonnelly Wednesday 1st 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible study Thursday 2nd 9pm Football Friday 3rd 7.30pm Friday Night Live by SAMS in Craigavon Civic Centre Coming Up: Monday 6th 7pm Confirmation Group - Rectory Tuesday 14th 8pm MU - speaker: Joy Loane (Real Life, Enniskillen) Sunday 19th 7.30pm Revive: Cafe Church - Aghavea Hall Tuesday 21st 8pm Select Vestry meets Wednesday 22nd 8pm Life Explored begins - Aghavea Hall Friday 24th 8pm Gospel Concert REVIVE Cafe-style church on Sunday evenings in Aghavea Hall. Join us for a more relaxed format of praise, prayer, Bible talk, coffee and cake! Sundays 19th February, 19th March and 9th April at 7pm. Come along and bring your friends. LIFE EXPLORED: ...

Notices: Sunday 22nd January 2017

Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday: 29th January 2017 11am Morning Prayer with MU Enrolment & Sunday School This Week: Monday 23rd 7pm Confirmation Group - Rectory 8pm Bowls match at home v Sallaghy Wednesday 25th 6.30pm GFS Thursday 26th 9pm Football Saturday 28th 8pm CDYC Xplore youth event - Ballinamallard Coming Up: Monday 30th 7pm Confirmation Group - Rectory 8pm Bowls match at home v Derrygonnelly Wednesday 1st 8pm Bible study - Rectory Friday 3rd 7.30pm Friday Night Live - Craigavon Civic Centre Tuesday 14th 8pm Mothers’ Union - speaker: Joy Loane (Real Life, Enniskillen) Sunday 19th 7.30pm Revive: Cafe Church - Aghavea Hall Wednesday 22nd 8pm Life Explored begins - Aghavea Hall Friday 24th 8pm Gospel Concert Installation & Admittance The Installation of the new Archdeacon of Clogher, Ven Brian Harper, as well as the Installation of Canon Geoff Bridle and Admittance of Canon ...

Notices: Sunday 15th January 2017

Today: 11am Church Family Service Next Sunday: Sunday 22nd January 2017 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School - James 1: 19-27 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 16th 8pm Bowling Club Tuesday 17th 8pm Select Vestry Wednesday 18th 6.30pm Girls’ Friendly Society 8pm Bible Study - Retory Thursday 19th 9pm Football - Maguiresbridge Coming Up: Mon 23rd 7pm - 8pm Confirmation group - Rectory Mon 23rd 8pm Bowls match at home v Sallaghy Sat 28th 8pm Xplore CDYC youth event - Ballinamallard Sun 29th 11am MU Enrolment during Morning Prayer Mon 30th 8pm Bowls match at home v Derrygonnelly Register of Vestrymen The Register of Vestrymen will be revised on Tuesday 17th January, and is open to all aged 18 and over who attend and have subscribed at least £50 to church funds in the last calendar year. Those registered are entitled to stand as and vote for the Select Vestry, Peoples’ Churchwarden and Peoples’ Glebewarden. The short form to be signed is availabl...

Notices: Sunday 8th January 2017

Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday 15th January: 10.30am Sunday School meets in church 11am Church Family Service & GFS Enrollment This Week: Monday 9th 8pm Bowls recommences Tuesday 10th 8pm MU Communion Service Wednesday 11th 6.30pm GFS Thursday 12th 8pm Bowls match away v Derrygonnelly; 9pm Football Coming Up: Tuesday 17th Select Vestry meets Wednesday 18th Bible Study - Rectory Saturday 28th CDYC Xplore youth event - Ballinamallard Sunday 29th MU Enrollment Service during Morning Prayer Register of Vestrymen The Register of Vestrymen will be revised on Tuesday 17th January, and is open to all aged 18 and over who attend and have subscribed at least £50 to church funds in the last calendar year. Those registered are entitled to stand as and vote for the Select Vestry, Peoples’ Churchwarden and Peoples’ Glebewarden. The short form to be signed is available from the Rector and Churchwardens. xplo...

Notices: Sunday 1st January 2017

Today: 11am Holy Communion Next Sunday: Sunday 8th January 2017 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Wednesday 4th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Bible Study - Rectory Thursday 5th 9pm Football - Maguiresbridge Coming Up: Monday 9th 8pm Bowls recommences Tuesday 10th 8pm MU Communion Service Thursday 12th Bowls match away v Derrygonnelly Sunday 15th GFS Enrollment Service during the Church Family Service Tuesday 17th Select Vestry meets Wednesday 18th Bible Study Saturday 28th CDYC Xplore youth event - Ballinamallard Sunday 29th MU Enrollment Service during Morning Prayer Bible in One Year 1st Gen 1-2, Matt 1 2nd Gen 3-5, Matt 2 3rd Gen 6-8, Matt 3 4th Gen 9-11, Matt 4 5th Gen 12-14, Matt 5:1-26 6th Gen 15-17, Matt 5:27-48 7th Gen 18-19, Matt 6 8th Gen 20-22, Matt 7 9th Gen 23-24, Matt 8 The next Bible study meeting is this Wednesday 7th December at 8pm in the Rectory. Prayer Diary Sun 1st Ask for God’s grace to help you...