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Showing posts from April, 2017

Scripture Fulfilled: The Suffering Servant

Last night was Good Friday, the final night of our Scripture Fulfilled series for Holy Week. We focused on what is perhaps the clearest prophecy of the cross in the whole of the Old Testament - Isaiah 53. Scripture Fulfilled - The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)

Scripture Fulfilled: The Substitute

Last night we gathered around the Lord's Table to rejoice in the Lord's provision for us - his body broken and blood shed for us . Rev Colin preached from Genesis 22, the offering of Isaac, to show how the Lord provides the substitute for us. Scripture Fulfilled - The Substitute (Genesis 22)

Scripture Fulfilled: The Suffering Saviour

Throughout this week we're seeing how the crucifixion of Jesus was promised, predicted and prophesied in the Old Testament. Last night in Brookeborough Methodist Church we heard from the suffering Saviour, in the words of Psalm 22. Scripture Fulfilled - The Suffering Saviour (Psalm 22).

Scripture Fulfilled: The Passover

This Holy Week we're seeing how the Old Testament scriptures point us to the cross of the Lord Jesus. Last night, Rev Colin preached from Exodus 12 on Christ our Passover. Scripture Fulfilled - The Passover (Exodus 12)

Scripture Fulfilled: The Serpent Crusher

Our special series for Holy Week began last night in Brookeborough Methodist Church. In Scripture Fulfilled we are seeing how the Old Testament scriptures are fulfilled in the cross of Christ. Here's the first sermon, if you would like to listen again, or catch up on what you've missed: Scripture Fulfilled - The Serpent Crusher (Genesis 3:15)

Notices: Sunday 9th April 2017

Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm REVIVE Cafe Church hosted by SNATCH - speaker: Mr Simon Henry (CIYD) Next Sunday: 16th April 2017 6.30am Easter Dawn Service followed by breakfast 11am Easter Family Celebration This Week: Monday 10th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled - Genesis 3 - Brookeborough Methodist Tuesday 11th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled - Exodus 12 - Aghavea Church Wednesday 12th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled - Psalm 22 - Brookeborough Methodist Thursday 13th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled - Genesis 22 - Aghavea Church Good Friday 14th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled - Isaiah 53 - Brookeborough Methodist Coming Up: Wednesday 19th 8pm Easter General Vestry - Church Hall Saturday 29th Clay Pigeon Shoot in aid of the Building Fund - Deerpark Friday 5th May GFS Diocesan Service Friday 12th May MU Diocesan Service - Enniskillen Cathedral Scripture Fulfilled How does the crucifixion of Jesus fulfil the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament? Mon 10th Ap...

Notices: Sunday 2nd April 2017

Today: 11am Holy Communion & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 9th April 2017 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm REVIVE Cafe Church hosted by SNATCH. Speaker: Mr Simon Henry (CIYD) This Week: Wednesday 5th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Life Explored (7) Thursday 6th 9pm Football - Maguiresbridge Coming Up: Monday 10th 8pm Scripture Fulfilled begins, meeting each night in Holy Week Sunday 16th 6.30am Easter Dawn Service followed by breakfast 11am Easter Family Celebration Wednesday 19th 8pm Easter General Vestry Arrow Leadership Development Course Please pray for the Rector and the other participants attending the Arrow Leadership Course. The purpose of Arrow is ‘to be led more by Jesus; to lead more like Jesus; to lead more to Jesus.’ Wednesday Club Coffee Morning & Sale of Work Wednesday 5th April from 10am - 12noon in Brookeborough Methodist Church. Brookeborough War Memorial Project Brookeborough Development Association...