10.00am Sunday School
11.00am Morning Prayer
Next Sunday: Sunday 6th May
10.00am Sunday School
11.00am Holy Communion
7.00pm Evening Prayer - Brooke Hall
Coming Up...
Saturday 5th
MU outing - Dobbies & Newcastle (to book, speak to Helen Rutledge 89521673)
Sunday 13th
Church’s Ministry of Healing: ‘The Prayer of Faith’ Workshop at 3.30pm, Refreshments, and Healing Service at 7.00pm.
Sharon & Nuala wish to thank everyone who helped in any way in hosting the GFS last Sunday. Special thanks to Myrtle for accompanying the hymns. Well done to all our girls for their singing, and in the competitions: 5 Firsts, 3 Seconds, 1 Third, 6 Highly Commended and 2 Commended. GFS has now finished for the summer and will resume in September.
It’s Your Move
Please pray for Jeff Gawn and the SU team as they help P7 pupils prepare to move schools: in Maguiresbridge PS on 2nd & 9th, and Brookeborough PS on 15th, 24th & 29th May.
Select Vestry
Mr Albert McClelland has been appointed Honorary Treasurer, and Mr Leonard Percival has been co-opted to the Vestry.
Sunday School Trip
Dublin Zoo, 9th June. Please sign up on the sheet in the porch.
Hi folks Please see the following pages for the process of getting our AccessNI accreditation for our Sunday School and GFS leaders and helpers. You will need to print out the pages and keep a special note of the long number provided to you by email and let me know as soon as possible. We require an Enhanced check for everyone - and use the PIN number 918066 as detailed on the first page. The second page details the forms of identification you will need to provide - one from the first group, and two from the second group. The quicker we can all get the checks completed, the sooner we can get everything back to normal and put this whole process behind us for another three years! If you can photograph yourself (by smartphone or tablet) and email ( or WhatsApp (07488371680) them to me, that'd be great. I will also be available at the Parish Hall on Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm to help you with anything you would like assistance with! If you need any help at all...
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