Today: 11am Morning Prayer 7pm SNATCH Movie Night - Clabby Rectory (meet at Colebrooke Hall at 6.45pm - consent forms required) Next Sunday: Sunday 4th January 2015 11am Holy Communion Luke 9:51-62 ‘Follow me’ This Week: Wednesday 31st 11.30pm Watchnight Service Organisation Start Dates Monday 5th at 8pm Bowls - Church Hall Sunday 11th at 10am Sunday School - Church Hall 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Tuesday 13th at 8pm Mothers’ Union - Church Wednesday 14th at 6.30pm GFS - Church Hall Bible Study - 8pm Church Hall Prayer Diary Sun 28th For our time together, meeting for worship Mon 29th Open Doors, working with persecuted Christians Tue 30th All who work in the emergency services Wed 31st Give thanks for God’s faithfulness this year Thur 1st Commit this new year to God’s guidance Fri 2nd Bishop John, for his ministry in Clogher diocese Sat 3rd For a growing hunger for God’s word this year Sun 4th Our Mission Partners, settling in a new location The steadfast l...
A Church of Ireland congregation near Brookeborough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC105425.