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Showing posts from December, 2014

Notices: Sunday 28th December 2014

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 7pm SNATCH Movie Night - Clabby Rectory (meet at Colebrooke Hall at 6.45pm - consent forms required) Next Sunday: Sunday 4th January 2015 11am Holy Communion Luke 9:51-62 ‘Follow me’ This Week: Wednesday 31st 11.30pm Watchnight Service Organisation Start Dates Monday 5th at 8pm Bowls - Church Hall Sunday 11th at 10am Sunday School - Church Hall 7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Tuesday 13th at 8pm Mothers’ Union - Church Wednesday 14th at 6.30pm GFS - Church Hall Bible Study - 8pm Church Hall Prayer Diary Sun 28th For our time together, meeting for worship Mon 29th Open Doors, working with persecuted Christians Tue 30th All who work in the emergency services Wed 31st Give thanks for God’s faithfulness this year Thur 1st Commit this new year to God’s guidance Fri 2nd Bishop John, for his ministry in Clogher diocese Sat 3rd For a growing hunger for God’s word this year Sun 4th Our Mission Partners, settling in a new location The steadfast l...

Notices: Sunday 21st December 2014

Today: 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight Next Sunday: Sunday 28th December 2014 11am Morning Prayer 7pm SNATCH Movie Night - Clabby Rectory (meet at Colebrooke Church car park at 6.45pm - Consent Forms available from any leader) This Week: Wednesday 24th 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Thursday 25th 10am Christmas Family Celebration Coming Up: Wednesday 31st 11.30pm Watchnight Service The Pantry (A Helping Hand) Val writes: ‘The Pantry has continued to bless the community since we opened the doors last October (2013). We are currently getting organised to deliver Christmas hampers. We thank you for your continued support and pray God will bless you as much as the people that are receiving help from the Pantry!’ Christmas continues at Aghavea: Tonight: 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight Christmas Eve: 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Christmas Day: 10am Christmas Family Communion Start Dates We hope you enjoy the Christmas break. Organisations begin a...

Notices: Sunday 14th December 2014

Today: 10am Sunday School 11am Family Nativity Service 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Memorial Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 21st December 2014 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Band This Week: Monday 15th 8pm Bowls party night Thursday 18th 8pm Riverbrooke Community Carol Service - Brookeborough Elim Church Coming Up: Sunday 28th SNATCH Movie Night - Clabby Rectory Wednesday 31st 11.30pm Watchnight Service Thank you! Thank you to the young people of the Sunday School for presenting the Nativity, and to Linda, Heather, Myrtle, Pamela, Gemma, and Sarah for all their hard work. Sunday School begins again on Sunday 11th January 2014. Christmas continues at Aghavea Tonight: 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Memorial Hall Sunday 21st December: 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band Christmas Eve: 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Christmas Day: 10am Christmas Family Communion Cal...

Believing the Promise - All the Audio

For a few months we've been podcasting our sermons on iTunes . It has come to our attention that the sermons have been missing from this blog and the Facebook links. Our 'Believing the Promise: Walking with God' series looking at Abraham's life in Genesis has come to an end, so here are all the sermons for your encouragement. Genesis 12: 1-20 Receiving God's promise Genesis 13: 1-18 Walking by faith, not by sight Genesis 14: 1-24 Meeting Mysterious Melchizedek Genesis 15: 1-21 Reckoned Righteousness Genesis 17: 1-27 Covenant Confirmed Genesis 18:16 - 19:38 Saved from Sodom Genesis 21: 1-21 The Promised Son Genesis 22: 1-19 God Will Provide

Notices: Sunday 7th December 2014

Today: 10am Sunday School 11am Holy Communion 7pm SNATCH Christmas party Next Sunday: Sunday 14th December 2014 10am Sunday School 11am Church Family Nativity - Church Hall 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Memorial Hall This week: Monday 8th 8pm Bowls match at home v Colebrooke Tuesday 9th MU Carol singing - Northwick House Wednesday 10th 6.30pm GFS Christmas Party 8pm Bowls match away v Clogh Friday 12th Sunday School Christmas Party Coming up: Thursday 18th Riverbrooke Carol Service - Brookeborough Elim Church Christmas at Aghavea Sunday 14th December 11am Church Family Nativity - Church Hall 7.30pm Christingle Service - Brooke Memorial Hall Sunday 21st December 11am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with Maguiresbridge Silver Band Christmas Eve 11.15pm Christmas Eve Communion Christmas Day 10am Christmas Family Communion Call His Name ‘Jesus’ A Festival of Flowers and Music to celebrate Christmas in St John’s Fivemiletown. F...