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Notices: Sunday 24th May 2015

11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School
7.30pm Select Vestry Commissioning Service - Clabby Parish Church. Organised by Clogher Rural Deanery. Speaker: Dermot O’Callaghan (Hillsborough). Everyone welcome!

Next Sunday: 31st May 2015
11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School
7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall

This Week:

Saturday 30th 12pm SEFF Tractor Run & Family Fun Day - Aghavea Hall

Coming Up:
Sun 7th June Gift Day & Favourite Hymns evening
Sun 21st June Children’s Day - speaker: Rev Adrian Dorrian (St Mark’s, Dundela & CMSI Chair). Followed by Parish Lunch for CMSI - sign up sheet available in the porch

Sunday School Update
Sunday School will begin at 11am in church, before the young people and teachers move across to the Church Hall for age-appropriate Bible teaching. This will be on a trial basis running through until Children’s Day on 21st June. For more information, speak to Gary, Linda or any of the Sunday School teachers.

The Barnabas Cup
The Churches 7-a-side football tournament is on Thursday 11th June in Ballinamallard.
To join the Aghavea team, speak to Alan or Gary.

Crosslinks Camps
Junior Camp: A Great Escape - Castlewellan Castle 8th-12th August, ages 8-11.
Senior Camp: Rock Solid - Castlewellan Castle 8th-15th August, ages 12-17.
Reset: Dunluce Parish Centre, Bushmills 21st-23rd August, ages 18-30.
See flyers in porch for more information, or visit

It’s Your Move
Please pray for the It’s Your Move RE class as it finishes in Brookeborough Primary Schools this week. P7 pupils have been preparing for the move to secondary school as they learn about God’s love. Give thanks for these opportunities in local schools.

1 Thessalonians: Walking Worthy...
24th May ... according to the Word (2:9-16)
31st May Afflictions (2:17-3:13)
14th June ... in Holiness (4:1-12)
28th June ... in Hope (4:13-18)
5th July ... for the Day (5:1-11)
12th July ... in Everyday Life (5:12-28)

Sermon Notes: Walking Worthy according to the word (1 Thess 2:9-16)
Having God’s Word we proclaim it and plead for it, while some prevent it.

Having God’s Word... (13)
- Not human words, not manmade philosophy or made up stories
- The very words of God - God speaking to us
- If this is the case, then it must lead us to action:

... we proclaim it... (9)
- Making it easy for people to hear, not burdening the hearer
- Q: How do we put ourselves out so that other people will hear?

...and plead for it (10-12)
- Paul’s fatherlike dealings (just as he was like a mother v7)
- Urging, encouraging, pleading - a worthy life - God has called us
- Q What things are stopping us from living according to God’s call?

... while some prevent it (14-16)
- We might have God’s Word, but not everyone wants to know
- Opponents try to silence the word - displease God, oppose everyone
- They’re opposing God - filling up measure of sin
= Q: What will help us endure suffering for holding & sharing God’s word?
Pray: That we will delight in God’s word, apply it, share it, and hold it - even when it hurts

Irish Women’s Convention
Holding on to Hope with Nancy Guthrie
Saturday 17th October 2015 in Assembly Buildings, Belfast
Tickets £17 (plus transport, to be arranged) - speak to Lynsey to book.

Favourite Hymns Evening
Sunday 7th June at 7.30pm.
Soloist: Lynda Lindsay
We’ll sing a selection of favourite hymns nominated by the congregation. Please take a flyer from the porch and return it by next Sunday.

Prayer Diary
Sun 24th Select Vestry members, being commissioned in Clabby tonight
Mon 25th All who are ill, and those who provide care for them
Tue 26th Deacon Interns, discovering where they will serve as Curates
Wed 27th CMS Ireland, especially the Little Lights project in DR Congo
Thur 28th Pray for Christians, for faithful witness in the workplace
Fri 29th Residents and staff in local nursing homes
Sat 30th Open Doors, working with persecuted Christians worldwide
Sun 31st Give thanks for God’s faithfulness in the past month
Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Prayer Diary updates can be accessed each morning at our Facebook page, Twitter account, or by downloading the free ‘PrayerMate’ app for your smartphone and adding the Aghavea Church feed.


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