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Showing posts from March, 2016

Notices: Easter Sunday 27th March 2016

Today: 7am Dawn Service followed by breakfast 11am Easter Family Celebration Next Sunday: Sunday 3rd April 2016 11am Holy Communion & Sunday School - Very Rev Raymond Ferguson This Week: Thursday 31st 9pm Football - Castle Park Centre, Lisnaskea Coming Up: Tuesday 5th 8pm Through the Bible Fellowship Group - Rectory Wednesday 6th 8pm Easter Vestry - Church Hall Tuesday 12th 7pm Ulster Rugby Tour - Fivemiletown College 8pm Mothers’ Union - speaker: Letitia Moffett Friday 15th 8pm Police Male Voice Choir in Concert Saturday 16th 7.30pm CDYC Event: Deeper into God’s World - Monaghan Easter Vestry The Easter Vestry will be held on Wednesday 6th April at 8pm in the Church Hall. At the meeting we will hear reports on church life, appoint and elect Churchwardens and Glebewardens, and elect the new Select Vestry. All are welcome to the meeting, but only Registered Vestry members can stand for election or vote. The Police Male Voice Choir in Concert Friday 1...

Cross Purposes: Forgiveness

Last night we finished our special Holy Week services in partnership with Brookeborough Methodist Church. On Good Friday, Rev Colin Milligan preached from Romans 3:21-26 on the forgiveness found at the cross.

Cross Purposes: Freedom

Last night, as we celebrated the Lord's Supper, we heard how the cross achieved our Freedom . Rev Gary McMurray was preaching from 1 Peter 1: 13-23. Tonight we come to the end of our Cross Purposes series as we meet in Aghavea Church at 8pm, to consider the theme of Forgiveness. You're very welcome to join with us.

Cross Purposes: Victory

Last night we continued our Cross Purposes series, looking at what the cross has achieved. Rev Colin Milligan was preaching from Colossians 2: 13-15 on Victory . Tonight we meet at 8pm in Brookeborough Methodist Church for a service of Holy Communion, with the theme of Freedom.

Cross Purposes: Peace

Last night we continued with our Cross Purposes series, looking at what the cross has achieved. Rev Gary McMurray was preaching from Ephesians 2:11-22 on peace . Tonight we meet at 8pm in Aghavea Church, when our theme will be victory.

Thy Kingdom Come: Sermon Catch Up

On Sunday mornings we've been following Jesus on his way to Jerusalem and the cross, as recorded in Luke's gospel. Here are the most recent sermons: Sunday 28th February: Luke 18:15-30 Entering the Kingdom Sunday 6th March: Luke 18:31-43 Seeing the Son Sunday 13th March: Luke 19:1-10 The Search and Rescue Mission Sunday 20th March: Luke 19:28-44 The Coming King

Cross Purposes: Reconciliation

Last night we began our Cross Purposes series, looking at what the cross achieved. Rev Colin Milligan preached from 2 Corinthians 5:14 - 6:2 on Reconciliation . Tonight we meet in Brookeborough Methodist Church at 8pm, as we think about peace.

Job: Sermon Catch Up

Our Lent Midweek series this year focused on the story of Job: Out of the Storm. Here are the sermon audio mp3s if you'd like to listen again. Wednesday 10th February: On the Ash Heap - Job's Calamities Wednesday 17th February: The Cry of Suffering - Job's Complaint Wednesday 24th February: With Friends Like These... - Job's Comforters Wednesday 2nd March: Holding on to Hope - Job's Confidence Wednesday 9th March: Out of the Storm - Job's Confrontation Wednesday 16th March: Restoration - Job's Conclusion

Notices: Sunday 20th March 2016

Today: 11am Church Family Service 6pm SNATCH meet - Aghavea Hall 7.30pm Palm Sunday Praise led by SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday: Easter Sunday 27th February 2016 7am Easter Dawn Service followed by breakfast 11am Easter Family Celebration This Week: Monday 21st 9.30am - 12noon & 2pm - 4pm: Prayer Room open 8pm Cross Purposes: Reconciliation - Aghavea Church Tuesday 22nd 9.30am - 12noon & 2pm - 4pm: Prayer Room open 8pm Cross Purposes: Peace - Brookeborough Methodist Church Wednesday 23rd 9.30am - 12noon & 2pm - 4pm: Prayer Room open 8pm Cross Purposes: Victory - Aghavea Church Thursday 24th 9.30am - 12noon & 2pm - 4pm: Prayer Room open 8pm Cross Purposes: Freedom - Brookeborough Methodist Church Friday 25th 9.30am - 12noon & 2pm - 4pm: Prayer Room open 8pm Cross Purposes: Forgiveness - Aghavea Church Coming Up: Tuesday 5th 8pm Bible Through the Year Fellowship Group - Rectory Wed 6th 8pm Easter General Vestry Annual Report The...

Notices: Sunday 13th March 2016

Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Next Sunday: Sunday 20th March 2016 11am Church Family Service 7.30pm Palm Sunday Praise with SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 14th 8pm Bowls AGM & Closing Night Tuesday 15th 8pm Select Vestry Wednesday 16th 6.30pm GFS Closing Night 8pm Lent Midweek Service - Job 42 Job’s conclusion Thursday 17th 9pm Football - Castle Park, Lisnaskea Coming Up: Monday 21st 8pm Cross Purposes - Holy Week series through to Friday Sunday 27th 7am Dawn Service, followed by breakfast - sign up in porch Clogher Diocese Ministry of Healing ‘He touched me’ with Dr Pat Mollan, Director of Church’s Ministry of Healing. Today at 3.30pm in Clabby Church Hall. Refreshments served at 6pm. Healing Service tonight at 7.30pm in Clabby Parish Church. Wednesday Club Coffee Morning & Sale of Work Wednesday 23rd March from 10am - 12noon in Brookeborough Methodist Church. Advance Notice: Easter Vestry ...

Notices: Sunday 6th March 2016

Today: 11am Holy Communion and Sunday School Next Sunday 13th March: 11am Morning Prayer and Sunday School - Luke 19:1-10 7pm SNATCH - Aghavea Hall This Week: Monday 7th 8pm Bowls Tuesday 8th 8pm Mothers’ Union - speaker: Joan Watson Wednesday 9th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Lent Midweek Service: Out of the Storm Job’s Confrontation 9pm Select Vestry special meeting Thursday 10th 8pm Erne Bowling League Play-off - Aghavea Hall 9pm Football - Castle Park, Lisnaskea Saturday 12th 10.30am - 12.30pm SU Coffee Morning: Enniskillen Presbyterian Church Halls Coming Up: Monday 14th 8pm Bowls AGM & Closing Night Tuesday 15th 8pm Select Vestry Sunday 20th 7.30pm Palm Sunday Praise, led by SNATCH - Aghavea Hall Out of the Storm: The Suffering of Job Wednesday nights during Lent at 8pm in the Parish Church: 9th March - Out of the storm: Jobʼs confrontation 16th March - Restoration: Jobʼs conclusion The Police Male Voice Choir in Concert Friday 15th April at 8pm Ticke...