Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School Next Sunday: Sunday 1st May 2016 11am Holy Communion & Sunday School This Week: Thursday 28th 9pm Football - Castle Park, Lisnaskea Coming Up: Wednesday 4th 8pm Through the Bible Fellowship Group - Rectory Thursday 5th 6.50pm MU visit to Colebrooke House - meet at grand gates 7.30pm Adult Confirmation - Portora Royal Chapel 9pm Football - Castle Park, Lisnaskea Saturday 7th Mothers’ Union outing - Vic-Ryn, Ballymena & Viscounts 8pm CDYC Deeper into God’s Word - Fountain Centre, Kesh Mothers’ Union Outing Saturday 7th May. Stopping at Cafe Vic-Ryn (Lisburn) for morning coffee, Ballymena, and Viscounts Dungannon for dinner. More details from MU members. Mothers’ Union Invitation Thursday 5th May Visit to Colebrooke House. Meet at the Grand Gates at 6.50pm Adult Confirmation Thursday 5th May at 7.30pm in the Chapel at Portora Royal School. Please speak to Gary if you wish to be confirmed on this occasio...