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Notices: Sunday 3rd April 2016

11am Holy Communion & Sunday School

Next Sunday: Sunday 10th April 2016
11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School

This Week:
Tuesday 5th
8pm Through the Bible Fellowship Group - Rectory

Wednesday 6th
8pm Easter Vestry - Church Hall

Thursday 7th
9pm Football - Castle Park Centre, Lisnaskea

Coming Up:
Tuesday 12th
7pm Ulster Rugby Tour - Fivemiletown College
8pm Mothers’ Union - speaker: Letitia Moffett

Wednesday 13th
9.30am Rural Deanery Inspection

Friday 15th
8pm Police Male Voice Choir in Concert

Saturday 16th
7.30pm CDYC Event: Deeper into God’s World - Monaghan

Easter Vestry
The Easter Vestry will be held on Wednesday 6th April at 8pm in the Church Hall. At the meeting we will hear reports on church life, appoint and elect Churchwardens and Glebewardens, and elect the new Select Vestry. All are welcome to the meeting, but only Registered Vestry members can stand for election or vote.

The Police Male Voice Choir in Concert
Friday 15th April at 8pm
Tickets £6 including supper. Proceeds to Church repairs.

CVM Ulster Rugby Tour
Tuesday 12th April at 7pm in Fivemiletown College. Ruan Pienaar, Pete Browne, Louis Ludik and Franco van der Merwe will talk all things rugby and share their life changing stories. Open to everyone.

Mothers’ Union Outing
Saturday 7th May. Stopping at Cafe Vic-Ryn (Lisburn) for morning coffee, Ballymena, and Viscounts Dungannon for dinner. More details from MU members.

Mothers’ Union Invitations
Monday 11th April - Maguiresbridge MU - speaker: Timothy Elliott
Thursday 14th April - Clogh MU - speaker: Valerie Stewart
Wednesday 20th April - Colebrooke MU - speaker: Eric McGirr
Saturday 23rd April - Ladies’ Breakfast hosted by Fintona PW in Valley Hotel, Fivemiletown - speaker: Valerie Murphy. Bookings close 18th April.

Core Skills: Children’s Ministry Course
Saturdays 7th May, 21st May & 4th June from 10.30am - 3pm in St Columba’s Church, Omagh. Booking form available from Gary,

CDYC: Deeper into God’s World
Saturday 16th April at 7.30pm. Monaghan Collegiate. Consent forms available soon from SNATCH leaders. Departing Aghavea Hall at 6.30pm.

Adult Confirmation
Thursday 5th May at 7.30pm in the Chapel at Portora Royal School. Please speak to Gary if you wish to be confirmed on this occasion.

Bible in One Year
3rd Judg 10-11, Luke 9:1-36
4th Judg 12-14, Luke 9:37-62
5th Judg 15-17, Luke 10:1-24
6th Judg 18-19, Luke 10:25-42
7th Judg 20-21, Luke 11:1-28
8th Ruth 1-4, Luke 11:29-54
9th 1 Sam 1-3, Luke 12:1-34
10th 1 Sam 4-6, Luke 12:35-59
The next fellowship meeting for people following the reading plan will be in the Rectory on Tuesday 5th April at 8pm.

Prayer Diary
Sun 3rd Raymond Ferguson, as he leads and preaches today
Mon 4th Jeff Gawn and SU volunteers teaching assemblies & RE lessons
Tue 5th Tonight’s Bible study as we build each other up in God’s word
Wed 6th Easter Vestry meets tonight - pray for the new Select Vestry
Thur 7th Football brings men together - pray for evangelism opportunities
Fri 8th Open Doors: pray for Christians who are persecuted in Eritrea
Sat 9th Pray for the Pantry, seeking to receive Charity registration
Sun 10th Sunday School members, as they learn more about Jesus
Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Prayer Diary updates can be accessed each morning at our Facebook page or by downloading the free ‘PrayerMate’ app for your smartphone and adding the Aghavea Church feed.


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