Today: 11am Morning Prayer & Sunday School Next Sunday: 2nd April 2017 11am Holy Communion & Sunday School 7pm SNATCH This Week: Monday 27th 7.45pm Bowling Club closing night, including AGM Tuesday 28th Football match v Kilskeery at Bawnacre, Irvinestown Wednesday 29th 6.30pm GFS 8pm Life Explored (6) Thursday 30th 9pm Football - Maguiresbridge Saturday 1st 8pm CDYC Xplore youth event Coming Up: Sunday 9th 7pm REVIVE Cafe Church - speaker: Mr Simon Henry Monday 10th 8pm Holy Week series ‘Scripture Fulfilled’ begins Sunday 16th 6.30am Easter Dawn Service followed by breakfast Wednesday 19th 8pm Easter General Vestry Arrow Leadership Development Course Please pray for the Rector and the other participants attending the Arrow Leadership Course in April. The purpose of Arrow is ‘to be led more by Jesus; to lead more like Jesus; to lead more to Jesus.’ Wednesday Club Coffee Morning & Sale of Work Wednesday 5th April from 10am - 12noo...
A Church of Ireland congregation near Brookeborough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC105425.