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Notices: Sunday 8th February 2015

10am Sunday School
11am Morning Prayer
7pm SNATCH - Colebrooke Church Hall

Next Sunday: Sunday 15th February 2015
10am Sunday School
11am Church Family Service- Luke 12:13-21 The Foolish Farmer

This Week:
Monday 9th
8pm Bowls

Tuesday 10th
8pm Mothers’ Union: Valerie McMorris, Faith & Policy

Wednesday 11th
6.30pm GFS
8pm Bible Study

Thursday 12th
8pm Bowls match away v Colebrooke

Coming Up:
Tuesday 17th Select Vestry - items for the agenda by Thursday, please
Wed 18th Ash Wednesday - Lent Midweek services begin
Friday 27th Gospel Concert - tickets available now

Gospel Concert
Featuring Kenny Archer, Ballybay Country Gospel Group, Marina Elliott & family
Friday 27th February at 8pm in Aghavea Church Hall
Tickets £6 (including supper) available now

Wisdom for Life
Lent Midweek Series in Proverbs
Wednesday nights at 8pm beginning 18th February

Clogher Diocese Music Bursary
Clogher Diocese have a Music Bursary Scheme, providing grants towards music tuition for those who are playing or will play their instrument in church. A new round of funding has begun, with applications now being received. For more information, speak to the Rector or contact the Diocesan Office (66347879)

CMS Ireland Project Launch
The ‘Little Lights’ Sunday School project ‘Pit Stop’ will be in Enniskillen Cathedral Hall on Thursday 12th February between 4.30pm and 6.15pm.

Sermon Notes: The Woes of Religion(Luke 11:37 - 12:12)
The Woes of Outward Religion (37-52)
Problem: Clean on the outside, dirty on the inside - hypocrisy!
- Woe 1: Tithing herbs, neglecting justice and love
- Woe 2: Prime positions, wanting to be seen
- Woe 3: Making others impure without warning
- Woe 4: Burdening people, not easing burdens
- Woe 5: Backing the attacking of God’s spokesmen
- Woe 6: Blocking people from coming to God
- Q: Are we aware of the signs of outward, people pleasing religion in our lives?
The Answer to Outward Religion (1-12)
Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees - their hypocrisy
- Integrity - be ready for secrets to not stay secret
- Don’t fear people - fear God who loves you, so don’t be afraid!
- Don’t be ashamed of being Christ’s person
- Q: How will knowing God help us to combat hypocrisy in our lives?

Crosslinks News
Crosslinks have a new Ireland Team Leader. Rev David Luckman began work on 2nd February. Aghavea will be hosting a new quarterly Crosslinks Prayer Meeting, the first of which is being held on Tuesday 3rd March at 8pm in the Church Hall.

Bishop John will be with us in Aghavea for Confirmation on Sunday 26th April.
Preparation for Confirmation for young people will be held on the five Sundays in March, from 10am - 10.50am in the Church Hall. A further meeting will be on Sunday 19th April. Any adults wishing to be Confirmed should speak to Gary.

Prayer Diary
Sun 8th Pray for all who will teach God’s word today
Mon 9th Crosslinks: new Ireland Team Leader, David Luckman
Tue 10th Mothers’ Union meeting tonight - for fellowship together
Wed 11th All who are ill, to find strength in God’s sufficient grace
Thur 12th CMS Ireland, launching ‘Little Lights’ project today
Fri 13th Local nursing homes- residents & staff caring for them
Sat 14th Pray as you invite people along to the Gospel Concert
Sun 15th Myrtle and the choir as they lead our praise
Pray continually - 1 Thessalonians 5: 17
Prayer Diary updates can be accessed each morning at our Facebook page or by downloading the free ‘PrayerMate’ app for your smartphone and adding the Aghavea Church feed.


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